Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Fagus: "Blagojevich Must Resign Immediately"

Can you believe this Jackal?
David Fagus speaks.... > "Many people across the state today are enormously unhappy, disappointed and angry as a result of today's events. The charges that Governor Blagojevich is now facing are very serious and without question impact his ability to govern. It is in the best interest of the people of the State of Illinois if Governor Blagojevich resigns immediately. Should Mr. Blagojevich not take such an action then it is incumbent on the legislature to act quickly and decisively to remedy this situation through the impeachment process provided by the state constitution. Any and all support that Mr. Blagojevich may have once enjoyed from me or this organization had already eroded to the point of being non-existent over the past 18 months and given these most recent events no longer exists in any way, shape or form. It is unfortunate for all of the people of Illinois that we have now seen the last two Governors charged with felony crimes that were a direct result of misconduct in the Governor's office. These things are often impossible to predict, but criminal activity requires a swift and direct action. One can only hope that Mr. Blagojevich has it within himself to take such a selfless action and resign."
Un-fucking-believable. Fagus jumps on the bandwagon. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty, Mr. Fagus? David Fagus, throwing his Governor under the bus so quickly..... To be continued.

8:02 AM: Deb Mell and the Blagojevich kids leave the Sunnyside and Richmond home of Rod Blagojevich.

8:18 AM: Rod Blagojevich leaves his home at Sunnyside and Richmond with briefcase in hand, completely ignoring David Fagus and his request to resign immediately. O.J. Simpson style coverage from the local FOX television station follows the black SUV through the north side streets of Chicago.

Update #1: The AP reports President-elect Barack Obama called on Rod Blagojevich to resign on Wednesday after he was charged with trying to sell Obama's U.S. Senate seat and swap favors for money.

Update #2: Mayor Richard Daley wants Rod Blagojevich to "do the right thing."

Update #3: Jesse Jackson Jr. said he did nothing wrong. That's also what Rod Blagojevich said.

Update #4: Late night comics have made Illinois the butt of their jokes for the past two nights.


Craig Gernhardt said...

Basically, what Fagus is saying is this:

"See Rod, I didn't mind you being a crook, as long as you didn't get caught."

Levois said...

Yeah I can believe that. They should have dumped him when he was so brazen about it though.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Levois, what do you think about Senate candidate #5, aka Jessie Jackson Jr.?

Should(SC#5) 'JJJ' step down if he was part of this pay-to-play spree?

Levois said...

Knowing that he's been campaigning for this then I wouldn't be surprised if he was involved. Of course the question is where would JJJ get the cash for this. I would say that this ought to end his career as well.

Suzanne said...

With all due respect, David, this wasn’t difficult to predict. Anyone who has paid attention to this Governor’s conduct, anyone who understands what it really takes to get legislation advanced and careers “parachuted” in Illinois, which is most anyone who has worked in Illinois state government for more than 15 minutes, knew this day was coming and why.

The character of this Governor has been clear for years---not days or weeks---and is evidenced in every cooked appointment and contract he has been involved in. He sold the top job in the IFA to Ali Ata, he sold lucrative state contracts, other appointments, and access to the negotiating table for campaign contributions.

The only thing difficult to predict was when the U.S. Attorney would intervene. It was never a question of if.

Unknown said...

Makes you wonder if his most loyal supporters, like Fagus, should also "do the right thing."

floss said...

Message to Joe...

President Lincoln thinks you too are a disgrace.

Mark Fletcher said...

Fagus? Fagin more like!

Been There: "blah blah blah. progressive, fagus, blah blah, mile of murals, blah blah. grod misunderstood. blah blah blah. Moore!"

Gunga Dean said...

This man will never do the honorable thing and resign because he is a man without honor. Impeachment is the only option and should be exercised immediately. His corruption is the worst kept secret in Illinois.

Clark St. said...

JJJ could easily get the money from the family's beer distribution business, which Jesse Sr. extorted out of Budweiser years ago.

mcl said...

Sock Puppeteer said...
"JJJ could easily get the money from the family's beer distribution business, which Jesse Sr. extorted out of Budweiser years ago."

My theory is that JJJ made a 'payoff on Monday afternoon when he met with Blago, and forced Fitzpatrick to make the arrest early Tuesday morning, to stop Blago from naming Jackson to the Senate seat....stay tuned!

Craig Gernhardt said...

I watched the 'JJJ' press conference. It was painful to witness. The man is plain and simple guilty of pay-to-play. He couldn't look anyone in the eye.

He's finished. Next.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Gotta love those (quote/unquote) "progressive" democrats!

Razldazlrr said...

Yep - if you watch IL and Chicago politics, you knew this was coming. Obama is really lucky this all came down after he was elected. We all know what Chicago politics is like - I love the people as guilty as he is facing the cameras to say "do the right thing" - this should be fun to watch!

fedup dem said...

Hey Fagus, perhaps you and Lying Joe Moore can show Gov. Sleazy how it is done by resigning yourselves!

Fire Ron Guenther said...

Tony Peraica in 2010!!!!

Unknown said...

How do these people continue to win elections? I've been dwelling over this for a few years but haven't been able to wrap my mind around it. Corruption occurs everywhere, but outside of Chicago it is usually subtle and kept secret from the public. Here, public officials ranging from aldermen to governor are blantantly operating under a "pay to play" system and are appointing friends and relatives to positions regardless of qualifications. Even more disturbing is they do it in such a manner that it's if they are saying "Yeah, it's illegal, but what are you going to do about it?"

So, if most of us agree that The Machine is alive and well, why do they keep winning the votes? Some theories:

1) The elections are fixed. We're not actually voting for these people but the results are fixed.

2) Only a minority of the voting pool aren't clueless or connected to The Machine in some manner.

I don't believe the results are fixed....but wouldn't be shocked if they were, so I lean more toward #2. Friends and family of union members, current elected officials, and city/county government employees seem to influence who is elected, despite the fact they are a small percentage of the pool of available voters. That means that most others in this city are clueless.

This includes new residents who don't understand or know enough about city politics (I was once part of this category myself--what the hell is an alderman??). Next up are the blind Liberals who vote a straight ticket without regard to the individuals they are voting for. Many are just uneducated and are lured by Machine propaganda, while others are lured in using race-baiting tactics. I'm sure there's more to it, but that's what I've been able to conclude.

Although I often find the Hellhole ridiculously petty in many instances, I have to credit Craig for bringing this ward's corruption to the public's attention. I'm not sure if I should thank you or curse you for exposing the frauds that run this ward (I'm better informed, however, I'm constantly pissed off and bitter about our leaders). Hopefully your message continues to reach more residents so we can bring REAL change to our city and neighborhood.

Clark St. said...

mcl wrote: "My theory is that JJJ made a 'payoff on Monday afternoon when he met with Blago, and forced Fitzpatrick to make the arrest early Tuesday morning, to stop Blago from naming Jackson to the Senate seat....stay tuned!"

No, I think that it was Jesse Sr. that went to Blago & made the offer, but no money changed hands at that time. Sr. isn't stupid enough to trust Blago & would've demanded the announcement at the same time.
I would guess that an announcement was about to come & that's why Jr. is so shaken up, he knows he's about to go down too.
He was flat out lying when he said that Fitz said he wasn't a target. The entire Jackson family is a target & just might lose the beer biz over this.

Blago's greed, stupidity & narcissistic personality disorder may bring down the entire corrupt Combine.
Wouldn't that be something?
And what a damn shame this didn't happen before the stupid voters voted against the constitutional convention?
I'd bet they wish for a do over on that one!

Razldazlrr said...

sock - i agree that something shady was going on with the Jackson camp - all the news people keep saying there was a reason that they made the arrest when they did - I bet Blago was getting ready to name the highest bidder as Senator.

mcl said...

And why did the feeds call JJJ late Monday night to inform him that Blago was to be arrested Tuesday AM? Hmmmmm?

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