Monday, December 8, 2008

Moore a Partner in His Own Marginalization

Moore Abandons "Independent Caucus"

Joe Moore, self-proclaimed leader of the so-called "Progressive Caucus" (just ask him) in the Chicago City Council, abandoned his caucus and threw in his lot with The Daley Machine.
"This is very troubling to me. My understanding of our obligation as a legislative branch, is to consider the legislation put before us by the executive branch, the executive branch proposes, the legislative disposes, and disposition, as I said, involves, review, reflection, evaluation. No way we can do this because we are supposed to take care of this in 72 hours. What troubles me, I could give the same speech alderman Allen gave about the Midway airport deal, the same speech. Asked to do these in such a hurry we can't really meet our obligation as a legislative body. It makes us partners in our own marginalization. I find that troubling, and I will vote no."

-Ald. Toni Preckwinkle (4th)
Inadequate time for consideration? No problem for Joe Moore!

How much time does a rubber stamp need to rubber stamp?

Daley doesn't turn aldermen into rubber stamps, aldermen do.

Are you as intensely jealous as I am that some wards have aldermen who eventually use their vote to say, ENOUGH!? Where is Joe Moore's breaking point? It's been 17 years, will he ever tire of being treated like a mushroom for pay? Is there any self-respect left?

If you're assuming, "well, they must know what they're doing, I'm sure they've looked into this, I'm sure they have their reasons," guess again:
"While I did receive the draft ordinance, no financial analysis was forthcoming, so my staff and I put together our own financial analysis to determine if the $1.15 Billion was a good deal or not. ... our analysis shows that the actual value over 75 years is closer to $4 Billion.

During the Finance Committee meeting on Tuesday, I argued that the city was not getting a good deal, and that at a minimum the Council should see the City's numbers. They instead argued our numbers were wrong (without having seen them). I was then told I could see some numbers, but not before the vote. That refusal to provide financial data sealed my NO vote."

-Ald. Scott Waguespack (32nd)
No numbers? No problem for Joe Moore!

Are you as intensely jealous as I am that some wards apparently have aldermen and aldermanic staffers capable of a quick, broad-brush, back-of-the-envelope reality check on a billion dollar plus, 75-year deal? It's not rocket science! But I wouldn't trust anyone from our ward offices to make change.

Let's all keep an eye on our in-boxes for the next exciting edition of Moore's useless propoganda "City Council Report" and see if tries to spin "difficult times ... bullshit bullshit ... tough choices ... ratta ratta ... after careful consideration ... yadda yadda ... I decided this is best for our City ... etc. etc." even though HE knows full well that WE know full well that Moore voted without even seeing the City's numbers. Let's see if he makes any mention of the salary increases for himself and his staff.

Moore struts like a Preckwinkle and votes like a Mell:
"I congratulate the mayor on this. Would we like more time? Come on. What do we do? How many of us read the stuff when we do get it? Let's face it. We have it, unfortunately, I know some do -- some do. I try to. I try to. But being realistic, it's like when you get your insurance policy, small print. I trust a lot of my colleagues who do read it in this City Council. I trust they will ask questions, I trust [Chicago CFO] Volpe and the job he's done ... "

-Ald. Richard Mell (33rd)


I live here too said...


Vote NO MOORE in 2011!

Let's make a list of reasons why;

1, 6% pay raise.

2, $110,000 pay rate

3, 17 years of less than leadership-where is the Ward development in that time?

4, Fois Gras ban-where are the goose farms OR establishments that even sell this product in the 49th Ward?

5, Big Box ordinance. Again, where are there big box stores in the 49th? Where are the locations one could even place a big box store in the 49th?

6, 30 year renewal of the NorthPoint or was it the BroadMOORE, low income protected status WITH NO COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT. Let's all say F-U NOH, Joe No-Moore sure did with that one.

The things we have received are In Spite of his "leadership". I am referring to the new Fire Station, Library, Gale/Armstrong/Field School expansions.
These are all the result of Da Mayor and the School board's multi year capital improvement plans.

I heart the R.P. said...

Craig- Have you considered running for Alderman? You would have my vote.

floss said...

You can a second vote to the tally.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Our best hope to defeat Joe Moore in 2011 won't be me. I'm not cut out for the job of Alderman. I don't have the ability to blow smoke up someone's ass just to make them happy.

My role in the community is better served as the watchdog.

floss said...

Thank you for your service.

RP Free Speech said...

Rogers Park NEEDS "watchdogs" like Craig and Hugh, two people who are not fearful, to speak out against Da Machine.

The Alder-Joker has been running the 49th Ward and Rogers Park into the ground for too long, just as Da Machine has been doing to all of Chicago.

Even though I am one of those "despised" transplants (though I've done more in the past than most to promote Chicago), and after all the TALK about CHANGE during this past presidential election, it seems to be the time to show Ald. Joe Moore we are TOTALLY dissatisfied with his performance of his alder-MANIC duties.

There is some time, not much though, to find a suitable candidate.

And, I ask all of you, from whichever ward in Chicago, to think long and hard about your own alderman. Is he/she part of Da Machine, CORRUPT? Find someone else to oversee your ward! They are out there--good, honest men and women who care about you!

ENOUGH OF "DA MACHINE"! RICHARD J. DALEY IS DEAD. RICHARD M. DALEY SHOULD GIVE IT UP. JOE MOORE, and all the others like him, should go hide under a ROCK.

THANK YOU, Craig and Hugh, for alowing me to have my say.

Grammar Gal

Razldazlrr said...

They made a decision without looking at the numbers? What is wrong with these people? You make great points "i live here too" - I remember watching Moore on tv and thinking what an idiot he was!

Hugh said...

"These are difficult times, and there are difficult decisions to be made. I intend to make them with complete information and time to deliberate, discuss, and debate."

-Joe Moore
e-mail to constituents

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