Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Morse Theatre Holds Fund-raiser for Moore

What's more important to the political Pritzkers' family - musician Aaron Parks or Alderman Joe Moore? Why it's Democratic machine candidate, Joe Moore. For it was easy to tell a world class musician, fuck off, we don't want you to perform on the Morse stage - but it's not so easy to turn down the almight, 49th ward mediator, Alderman Joe Moore.

They even put his name on the marquee.

David Fagus told me this morning about a "150" obsequious, bootlicking, sycophantic, toadyish followers of Joe Moore had a chance to see the Morse Theatre one last time before the "infighting" really begins. And, all they had to do was make a generous contribution to the Citizens to reelect Joe Moore. (We'll find out the bounty, and which boot-lickers attended when the D-2's are released in a few months...)

I see the future for the Morse Theatre. It's a valuable tool for Joe Moore's reelection in 2011. He needs to prop his hat on something successful. A $6 million dollar theatre that's allegedly about to shutter, after only being open a mere 4 months.


Craig Gernhardt said...

Six million - for one building on Morse. No wonder Joe needs this place for campaigning.

That's nearly double the $3.7 million dollars the Morse Avenue Streetscape was projected to cost by Joe Moore in 2005.

Unknown said...

when is this blessed event?

Craig Gernhardt said...

Last night.

Unknown said...

So he's already starting to gather funds to run the next dirty campaign, eh?

Hey, those pink postcards aren't going to mail themselves!

CNB said...

I stand by my earlier prediction that Joe Moore will NOT run in 2011. Remember, he can raise campaign money, but he's not legally bound to run. He can keep the money as personal income and pay taxes on it. I believe Joe Moore will realize that he's better off to retire gracefully with full benefits after 20 years on the city council rather than be defeated in 2011. It would look better if/when he decides to run for a higher office.

Razldazlrr said...

Higher office? OMG - let's hope not!! When is the election that he is already gathering funds? I don't see that his mediation has done anything to help the Morse Theatre - I haven't received any of the "I'm so wonderful" emails.

Razldazlrr said...

How does Moore or his office respond to the Streetscape? I have asked a few times and they just say they will refer me to the Alderman and never do I get a response!

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