Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mr. Romance Uses Honeymoon.com (Correction)

When you love someone this much, you only use the best. Honeymoon.com. And to prove your love, you charge the honeymoon.com bill to the deep-pocket campaign contributors. After all, why should someone of Joe's stature spend his hard earned money on such a special occasion? Isn't that what the minions money is for?

Expenditure: Honeymoon.com
6625 Lyndale Av South
Minneapolis, MN 55423
$174.16 on 10/29/2008
Citizens for Joe Moore

Blognotes: Judging from Joe Moore's romantic prowess, it makes you wonder if Joe met Barb on eharmony.com too? How romantic is that?

image courtesy Tom Mannis. Information courtesy the Illinois State Board of Elections.

Correction: Sebastian James, treasurer for the Citizens for Joe Moore, has made a correction to this post in the comments section. We thank Mr. James for being forthcoming on the error. I, Craig, apology for teasing Joe Moore about this matter. {Eating crow.}


Unknown said...

How can he possibly charge that to the taxpayers? Is he crazy? He has to know someone will call him out on it.

Razldazlrr said...

Wow - that is amazing - honeymoon.com? Classy!
On a completely separate topic - I'm always curious about something. Yesterday and many days I see 2 - 4 vehicles parked by the bathrooms at Loyola Park. It's winter - the doors are locked. I walk by there with the dogs - there's a separate door with a padlock on it and I hear men in there laughing like crazy. I can be at the park for an hour and they are still there! They appear to be city vehicles - one has a park logo on it.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Gerald, it's his campaign war chest, not the tax payer money. If that was the case, we'd all be screaming bloody hell.

Raz, that's call tax payer waste. No one is supervising these workers. So they can screw around most of the day, unnoticed. They must enjoy hanging out in a closed-for-the-season restroom. Why? Beats the hell out of me.

Unknown said...

And Joe just publicly questioned Mayor Daley's spending on his own YouTube channel.

Yet Joe didn't turn away raises for himself and his bloated staff.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Joe Moore sent a $1000 for a face-painter at his back to school picnic last year. A thousand bucks!

Talk about wasteful spending.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Joe Moore pays Wayne Fraiser thousands and thousands of dollars as a campaign consultant.

Plus, Wayne Fraiser also is on the city of Chicago pay-role, as an aldermanic aide at $34,000 a year..

Not only wasteful spending, but also shades of convicted felon and the mayors campaign foot soldier, Robert Soriich.

Craig Gernhardt said...

On the surface it looks like Wayne Fraiser has a patronage job.

Isn't that illegal?

mcl said...

Let's stop political corruption in Chicago. Sign the 'Empower the Inspector General Petition'! Go to:


Save Street End Beaches said...

Too bad I didn't save any of those Christmas cards he used to send out with his wife and young sons.

Al Iverson said...

That's actually http://www.thehoneymoon.com/. It's in some random office building that houses a zillion offices. My mom retired from a job in that building last year.

Unknown said...

what is honeymoon.com? tried to access - nothing comes up.

Sebastian said...

The expenditure was not for Joe's honeymoon. It was a wedding gift for a campaign worker.

I'm the Treasurer, and in the hubub of preparing the last disclosure filing, I didn't have the chance to check this expenditure with Joe.

I listed it as a travel expense because I confused it with a prior trip.

It was my error, and I apologize.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Thanks for clearing that up, Mr. James. I noticed the letter regarding the filing errors that was submitted on your behalf to the BOE. Were you guys fined for this?

Craig Gernhardt said...


Sebastian said...

The errors are problems with uploading files to the Board of Elections server as opposed to mathematical errors, or our not disclosing pertinent information.

As you saw in the letter, upon realizing that the Board of Election's server wasn't accepting the file, I emailed it to a BOE manager prior to the deadline. So it's a matter of whether the state received the file on time, or whether they received it in the correct box on time. It could be seen as a "glass half full/ half empty scenario."

We have heard nothing from them so far. The letter is on file as a pre-response if they want us to file an appeal.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Fair enough, Sebastian. I know you tried. Lot's better than most people who have worked or volunteered under the almighty political fund-raiser of the 49th ward.

Again, thanks for the update. Don't be shy. Stop by the 'Broken Heart' and criticize or correct me anytime.

Hugh said...

"The errors are problems with uploading files to the Board of Elections server ... "

what a crock of shit

campaign committees are responsible for their data on the BOE website, not the Board

if there are errors in your data, re-upload asshole, and replace the incorrect data

Hugh said...

blame to computer

presstoe said...

Park bathrooms- I think it's gay sex!

CNB said...

Alderman Joe Moore chose Honeymoon.com, a Minnesota company? What a putz! Do a Google search for "travel agents 60626" and you'll find a bunch near Rogers Park, not to mention many many more in Chicago. Sure, he's got a right to spend his money where he wants to, but how about putting his money where his mouth is for a change?

Unknown said...

It's a Rogers Park issue, Tom Mannis. None of your business.

Suzanne said...

My doppelganger is posting and with a great question. I only find a rather luxe UK travel site.

As to the expense error, it happens. In the mad run up to the primary last year, I failed to file A1s for four or five contributions. They were reported on the subsequent D2 but still, it was a mistake and we didn't even know we made it until the ISBE told us.

Joe has not helped himself on too many occasions and he's given the blogosphere material too ripe not to cover, true. But this one? It looks like a funny mistake. Nonetheless, Craig has my regards for calling it out and then calling it back. And Sebastian? Nicely engaged, sir. ;-))

I heart the R.P. said...

"wonder if he met Barb on eharmony"

I have no problem with calling the Alderman out on public issues and freely do so myself. His personal life, however is another story and should be left out of your remarks. That's just plain nasty Craig.

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