Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Rogers Park Radio Shack Ransacked

The Radio Shack on the Loyola University Campus, 6445 North Sheridan Road, located in the Granada Centre, feet from the Loyola Campus Security Station, was broken into this morning. The desperate criminals shattered the front window to gain entrance, and the motion alarm went off, but not before the crooks made off with an unknown brand flat-screen television, 3 unknown brand lap-top computers, and 2 i-Pods.

Offender(s) fled before police arrived. The incident happened about 4:25 AM. The building itself has a number of outside security cameras. Police have identified two suspects in the caper. A flash has been sent out. The crooks used a gray mini-van to get-away, fleeing north in direction. No one is in custody at this time.

10:54 AM: Residential burglary in the 7200 block of North Damen. Police find backdoor open. The police believe the robbers may be coming back for more.

12:37 PM: I found a crisp $20 dollar bill folded up in front of the Heartland Cafe. I bent down and picked it up. Opened it up to see if it was real -- just in case I was on some sort of Heartland Cafe Candid camera skit for one of their goofy plays. Snapped the bill a couple of times in my hands for all in the Heartland to see -- just in case it was part of a candid camera skit. Smiled. Put it in my pocket. Continued on my merry way. Spent the twenty spot on lunch at Leona's.

2:37 PM: Mr. Anonymous calling. The drug dealers are selling drugs near the west alley of Morse and Lakewood. Mr. Anon says they're hiding the drugs in the alley. Police radio back informing dispatch they're busy with the Sullivan dismissal and it {the drug dealing on Morse} will have to wait.

2:42 PM: Mr. Anon calling. Battery in Progress. 20 young males are fighting in the street at Pratt and Bosworth.


Razldazlrr said...

Thieves and thugs - I hope they find them and throw them in the jail for a while!

ZombieDante said...

"The building itself is as a number of outside security cameras."

Getting sloppy, dude.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Thanks, Mr. Perfect.

presstoe said...

I didn't know Rogers Park had a Radio Shack- I don't even look for stores here because most of the storefronts are vacant...

ck said...

There are only decent stores near the campus, silly! Because we all know that's the only place that really matters in the 60626...

The North Coast said...

I go to this Radio Shack location a lot for gizmos for my computer, keyboards and what-not.

I hope the chain doesn't close this location. It's an asset to the neighborhood.

Are we experiencing a big surge in robberies and break-ins? I think we must be. Almost every bank on the north side has been hit in the past year.

floss said...

maybe the thieves misread the sign as being Radio Crack.

Save Street End Beaches said...

Geez, on Sheridan Road with all the traffic, even at 4:25 a.m. How brazen.

Man On The Street said...

From what I hear there has been a LOT of bold robberies going on in the Loyola area. A lot of first-story jobs, with guys breaking into first-floor apartments and making off with electronic stuff. Be on the look out and warn the Loyola students who live there.

Or maybe it is a Loyola student doing this, who knows?

Craig Gernhardt said...

Last night the Alderman's assistant Anne Sullivan had to call the police. Someone was trying to break into her apartment on Fargo.

Two days before Christmas, the Alderman's chief of staff got held up near the Alderman's office.

Still, Joe thinks crime is down.

AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
I live here too said...

I say Give me Concealed Carry.

AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

Craig, did you hear anything about a 12:30pm melee today at Sullivan? I was in gym class when this happened and witnessed it through the doors of the gym. Several teachers ran to break up the fight. Other than that, things were calm at Sullivan today.

Craig Gernhardt said...

TImmy, at the noon hour I went for a neighborhood walk.

Fargo Woman said...

Craig, good for you for spending that money in the neighborhood. I admit I wish it had been at one of the spots in Jarvis Square since they're owned and operated by Rogers Park residents but at least it was a chain store located in Rogers Park. Kudos, friend.


P.S. As a deeply dissatisfied ex-patron of the Heartland, I understand why you didn't go there.

CNB said...

Don't they sell security systems at Radio Shack?

AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

Don't blame you, Craig. It was a real nice day yesterday to walk around (unfortunely in my own neighborhood you can't walk around without large crowds of gang members gathering). I just wanted to inform you of that.

Unknown said...

Don't want to turn this into a heartland bashing thread...but perhaps after 30+ years they need to start working on their quality control. I drew the line at an unwashed glass of OJ whose previous life was a Bloody Mary. Yeah... I shouldn't have been able to tell but I could still taste the vodka.

Razldazlrr said...

Anne Sullivan had a breakin? She who always tells me over and over that crime is down - all the stats say so!!!!!

Razldazlrr said...

Which alley behind Morse and Lakewood? I'm guessing it's the west one near The Morse Theatre. I often see creepy characters hanging near that building or in the alley. Good - I hope people keep calling them in!

Jedierica said...

That Radio Shack is super convenient. I asked them how sales were and the guy working that day (that I was there in January) said that sales are up each year and that the store is staying open since they are making money. I sure hope this robbery does not change things. I can think of worse areas in the city that currently have Radio Shacks so lets keep our fingers crossed.

Quest Network Services said...

"There are only decent stores near the campus, silly! Because we all know that's the only place that really matters in the 60626..."

What about my store? Isn't my store a decent store. I sell many of the same things Radio Shack does probably cheaper. I've had my business in Rogers Park since 2001 and I still get people comming in telling me they had no idea I existed.

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