Friday, March 13, 2009

How News Will be Delivered in Rogers Park (Updated)

I'm convinced Joe Moore has created his own personal community newspaper because he has a difficult time dealing with real reporters and journalists who want to cover neighborhood issues accurately.

Like covering stories about crime, development and campaign contributions from unscrupulous developers.

Joe wants a reporter who WILL NOT ask the tough questions. He wants his reporters to keep it simple and keep you stupid. That's why he gets a couple of his low-level political toadies (lackeys') to pose as newspaper publishers and write stories about kids flying kites in the park. And how he's going to bring a 'Boys and Girls' Club to Rogers Park.

When it comes to a crime issue, he wants his reporters to let the citizens know crime is down and any violent act is an isolated incident. He wants his reporters to tell the citizens he's working closely with the commander to solve the problem. Joe want's photographers who will take his picture catching a purse snatcher.

When it comes to development issues, he wants his reporters to talk about the CPAN units the developer is providing. He wants the reporter to talk about how big the pretty clock tower that is going on top of the building.

When it comes to campaign contributions that show a hint of possible influence. Joe wants a reporter who doesn't know or doesn't want to connect the dots.

And for Moore, it couldn't have come at a better time. Our beloved Chicago Journal News-Star has just been sold for peanuts to a publisher that is struggling to keep his own community newspaper afloat. While I had conversation early on with the new publisher about what was going to happen to Rogers Park news, as of this week, the publisher has pulled a Joe Moore and clammed up.

To pull this off right, he's needs serious capitol to cover the neighborhoods News-Star has covered in the past. The financial situation is already so tight with this publisher, he's had to close his news and production office -- and move it's production into his personal home. By his own words, he told me the papers may not even be around by the end of the year. Now that doesn't sound like a confident publisher. Judging from his current newspaper website, you'd think there hasn't been any news in his neighborhood he currently covers since October 2008. Only Joe Moore's website has a worse track record.

Has Joe Moore's deep pockets gotten to him too?

Joe's already got two publications (RP2000 and DevCorp Journal) and a couple of websites (rogersparkdotcom and rogers-parkdotcom) he controls the content over with an iron-fist. Make no mistake, these are nothing more than Joe Moore's propaganda information newsletters disguised as community news. Now Joe will have total access, to form the neighborhood news anyway he wants.

From Michael James and his radio and You-Tube broadcasts, to the city and state revenue cheating, unemployed electrician/ZULAC rubber-stamp board members new newspaper -- Joe's got all his propaganda good news he needs to make another run for Alderman in 2011.

Joe Moore controls the message and the messenger in the 49th ward. And it looks as if there's nothing the community can do about it.

Update: I got an long manifest and then a quicky email, plus a long-winded phone message from the new News-Star publisher. He informed me they do have a website. www.yournewsdotcom. For shits and giggles type in the zip-codes 60626 or 60645. That's ours. See how local that news really is.


Charlie Didrickson said...


Craig Gernhardt said...

And people accuse me of only delivering sad news.

Thanks, Charlie.

Charlie Didrickson said...

Yeah but I was laughing at you not with you Craig.


Okay gotta go ask Joe what to post on rogersparkcotcom today.


MadeInRogersPark said...

This is a riot! The first time I ever went to this dive, back in the 70's I knew it was poison but oh my how everyone 'new' to Rogers Park loved to say "Let's go to THE HEARTLAND" for a meal.On those days I stayed home. This place is one of the wort places in Chicago, maybe Illionois, maybe the United States----maybe even the world. For the people who go as regulars ------- get a life!

'Broken Heart' Past Blogs