Monday, March 30, 2009

Joe Moore "Salivating" Over Higher Office

Capitol Fax Reports...> "Ald. Joe Moore (49th) is said to be salivating over a Schakowsky bid, as that would give him a shot at her 9th Congressional District seat. The national thrill of his foie gras crusade is long gone, and he wants it back. Still, since the Rogers Park pol barely won reelection in 2007, he may not be in the best shape to muscle another rung up the ladder." Source/Read more.
At this point in his career, Joe Moore couldn't beat his way out of a wet paper bag. Much less attempt to climb a rung up the political ladder. Joe Moore doesn't care about us. He's looking for his own personal limelight. Joe Moore wants to take his act national.

Joe Moore only cares about Joe Moore.

Cartoon by Gabriel Carroll-Dolci
If you have a project that needs animation or illustration, email Gabe for a quote.


Unknown said...

Yep. Joe has always aspired to be pointless and ineffective on a national level.

He just hasn't been very successful at it, much like his current position.

Unknown said...

I also wonder if Joe will waddle his fat behind down to the Sun-Times and demand that one of the city's finest reporters be fired for writing:

"Still, since the Rogers Park pol barely won reelection in 2007, he may not be in the best shape to muscle another rung up the ladder."

Or perhaps Tommy and Jimmy over at Joe's new newsletter will write an editorial on Joe's many fine qualities for national office.

Phred said...

Given the seemingly insurmountable social and economic problems in Rogers Park, whomever replaces Joe as alderman will soon be getting bashed and blamed for them just like he is presently.

There are too many mentally and economically ill and deficient people (see the Stanley Rankin post) concentrated in this Chicago neighborhood. The only hope is for them to go away or be removed.

YourChicagoFriend said...

I respectfully disagree, Phred. The aldermen of Chicago have genuine opportunities to make significant improvements within their wards.

Real change in a ward that has been allowed to degenerate requires a great deal of creativity, innovation and hard work.

Unfortnatly, Joe Moore is one of those guys who will always do the least amount of work required. He simply has none of the qualities required to fix the 49th Ward, and simply doesn't care.

He is, however, pretty good at getting elected, as long as he can rely on non-thinking voters and he can get away with every dirty trick in the book.

Craig Gernhardt said...

I'm shocked Joe Moore hasn't sent his internet trolls over to Capitol Fax, to call Rich Miller all sorts of names.

floss said...

Phred, I too respectfully disagree.

Moore encouraged an unhealthy level of subsidized housing. Hence the "insurmountable social and economic problems "

Bashing Moore's successor would be like bashing Obama for the wrecked economy and the mess in Iraq.

Phred said...

"Bashing Moore's successor would be like bashing Obama for the wrecked economy and the mess in Iraq."

Even so, any future 49th Ward Alderman will be bashed nonetheless. Wait until the first time he or she does or says something Craig disagrees with.

Razldazlrr said...

Joe Moore could do something, if he wanted to. He has caused a lot of this mess by continuing to allow more and more Section 8 and subsidized housing. I am curious though - what's the Stanley Rankin post?
Good God - I hate to think of him in a Congressional role; but he would probably fit right in with a lot of other Chicago Dems already there.

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