Sunday, March 15, 2009

Meet The Whiners

The Victims: Katy Hogan and Michael James.
*"After making it through the hardest January and the hardest February of our business lives and they're going to cut us off. It feels like a slap in the face," said Katy Hogan.*
No Katy, you didn't get slapped in the face. In fact, it is YOU who is slapping the face of the community. By serving food in the most unhealthy conditions.

Black, slimy mold in the ice machine! Mice all over the place!

Katy, they're cutting you off for getting someone sick from your nasty tofu. Not because they're out to get you. Maybe you should've spent January and February cleaning your own business - instead of running around the neighborhood sticking your nose in everyone else's business.
*"You could go to 95 percent of the restaurants in the city and they could find all kinds of stuff....But why they would choose to close you down in these times when you've clearly made a sincere effort is beyond me."said Michael James. We were disappointed at the lack of cooperation from the city," James said.*
Pssst. Michael. Mr. President of the Joe Moore's 49th Ward Democrats. Yeah, I'm talking to you.

See, this last week, Joe "Investigate Me" Moore went all over the news denouncing the policy of doing favors for those who work on political campaigns, cronyism and the general practice of helping contributors out of a jam without following the proper channels. That would include people like YOU. Joe would look like a real hypocrite if he called or emailed an inspector from the Health department to "fix this fast" as a favor to you.

That means your business have to follow the rules like every other regular business owner. You get no special treatment on these critical health violations, Mr. James.

And just yesterday President Obama spoke of the food safety system and the "hazard to public health." He was talking about places like yours. How can anyone feel sorry for these two "alleged victims," who won't even listen to the person they traveled the county to get elected? These two so-called community leaders won't take responsibility for their own actions. They want to blame others. Talk about hypocritical.

Quit passing the buck, Mr. James. Stop blaming others, Ms. Hogan. You two are at fault here. No one else. Get a new ice machine. Clean up your act. And for gosh sakes, take your medicine. You served bad food and got someone sick. Joe "Investigate Me" Moore can't pull any favors for you on this one.

Quotes compiled by Leeann Maton.

Heartland Cafe Owners Snub Chi-Town Daily News.


Unknown said...

They should stop feeling sorry for themselves and clean the darn place up. They know what's wrong so fix it.

Razldazlrr said...

I worked in a high end restaurant and a not so high end years ago and they were VERY clean - there is no reason every kitchen can't be sparkling - it takes some time, elbow grease, rotating products in the fridges/freezers. There is no excuse for dirty kitchens or expired/rotten food

Unknown said...

Point well made, Craig. To tell you the truth, I've always like the weird little Heartland, warts and all and despite my great disagreement with the owners' ass kissing of our inept alderman.

I really hope the Heartland stays in Rogers Park for many years to come. What would our neighborhood be without its funky little hippie restaurant?

They can choose to offer marginal service and hot-and-cold food quality; however, cleanliness is simply not an option.

They need to suck it up, quit whining, admit their shortcomings and run a clean restaurant.

Jenn said...

whiners. Try some real cleaning. Then maybe some of us will come back. I have to admit the "black dripping mold" makes me cringe. Not sure I could drink the water (or anything else that comes iwth ice) there anymore.

Fargo Woman said...

Any word yet on whether the customer who got sick intends to sue? Have you ever had food poisoning? It's a horrible experience and can lead to further complications such as a compromised immune system - sometimes temporary sometimes long term. It would be very interesting to find out exactly what, if anything, that person intends to do.

Fargo said...

I used to be a semi-regular customer at Heartland. In the last few years, all the ass-kissing b.s with Joe was a big turnoff, and the deterioration of service and food quality more of a turnoff.

Their whiny attitude about these serious health code violations does not exactly entice me to return as a regular. If anything, it would make me inclined to patronize almost any restaurant in the 'hood EXCEPT Heartland.

Michael and Katy really need to get a clue on this one, or I suspect they'll be losing a lot of long-term customers.

Patty said...

I’ve lived in Chicago 1985, including two stints in Rogers Park. Michael and Katy are two of my favorite people in the city. They’ve contributed so much to the spirit, well-being, caring, and activism of the community – from working on job programs for young kids in the neighborhood; to campaigning in the trenches for Harold Washington, Barack Obama, and other progressive politicians; to hosting alternative musicians, writers, theater people and others from all over the country; to holding truly crazy runs along the lake in the middle of winter; to just giving people, old and young, who are a little different, not mainstream, a place to belong. And yes, feeding people good food. They are an enormous positive in the city. They have heart, soul, kindness and a million friends. I suspect the latter is part of what bugs the haters.

Kyle Hillman said...


I am not a hater, infact I used to goto the Heartland whenever I could --- whether it was for those morning pancakes or late night drinks listening to an Irish fiddler. (one of my favorite Heartland moments).

This turn of events disappoints me more than anything. I am not one of the people that want to see them go under because of their political affiliation, infact I hope the Heartland comes back better than ever.

HOWEVER, it is going to take a lot to make me want to step back in there. Wherever you dine you put your faith in the owners to provide you good food, food that will not make you sick. You put your faith in your government to inspect and certify that your food is free from contaminants.

In this situation BOTH failed us.

I seriously doubt either owner knowingly let people get sick. I don't believe they have the "whatever I can get away with" mentality.

BUT, when your establishment gets closed down for health violations someone didn't do enough. Someone didn't do their jobs. And in a restaurant the BUCKS STOPS at the owner.

He fed that food to people, he fed that food to "...people, old and young, who are a little different, not mainstream". And for that Michael has work to to do.

There are no shortcuts, an endorsement from the alderman, or David Orr, or even residents of ROPA will not restore the faith people had in the Heartland. That doesn't mean I question the person, I question the bussiness man, the restarurant owner.

I mean this in all honesty, maybe it is time Michael and Katy do a little less for the community and do a little more oversight for thier business.

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