Saturday, March 7, 2009

Party Hardy at the Aldermen's Offices While City Goes Down Sewer!

City budget headed for 'the sewer'

March 6, 2009, BY FRAN SPIELMAN, Chicago Sun-Times City Hall Reporter
Nose-diving revenues have forced Chicago's 2009 budget at least $10 million deeper into the hole -- to a gap of well over $60.5 million -- turning up the heat for more layoffs and union concessions.

Mayor Daley's $6 billion budget, passed in December, was balanced with 420 layoffs, slow police hiring and $52.5 million in taxes, fines and fees.
It's good to be a Chicago alderman!


floss said...

Alderman alderman the people are over taxed.

Alderman alderman they have no money left for food.

Said the alderman..
"Let them eat donuts"

Fargo Woman said...

According to Wikipedia, The current President of the United States makes $400,000 per year with a $500,000 expense account. This is a man who is almost literally has the weight of the world on his shoulders, who, whether you agree with him or not, is trying to lead us out of an economic crisis this nation hasn't seen since the Great Depression AND get us out of Iraq AND instiute groundbreaking measures in both healthcare and education BUT he's only making 4 times what our do nothing, easily distracted by non-issues, doesn't listen to his constituents, pay for play taking Alderman!

How in the world, in this economy, in the middle of a city-wide budget crisis, do you vote yourself a RAISE???

This is too much.


Fargo Woman said...

Sorry about that run on sentence.

Razldazlrr said...

I also find it just amazing that the Alderman make all these public statements about empathy with the people, budget cuts etc and then vote themselves a raise and up their expense accounts!!! People in Chicago and Illinois really need to wake up and vote out these current Alderman, Congress people etc. I am so disgusted by it all. (and the mayor wants Olympics - he is the craziest one of them all)

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