Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday with Timmy

Hey Craig. I decided to cover for you as in the 911 calls up in 24. This is what I heard:

7:33am - Battery in progress. 1425 West Estes. The residents are fighting in the Greenview Pavilion.

7:44am - #2424 codes out the 7:33am as 19Paul.

P.S. It was quiet, but that's a good thing.


RP Free Speech said...

Thank you, Craig, for posting Tim's comments.

He is growing and getting to be a better reporter, thanks to you.

Keep on 'keepin' on', Tim!

Razldazlrr said...

thanks tim - battery in progress at 7:33 am - what do you bet those people had not been to sleep yet?

AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

You're welcome, Razldzlrr. As for the Battery in progress call, I either bet what you said or that they woke up real mad and a fight broke out, LOL.

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