Look everyone. Look, Joe. Isn't the clock tower pretty? And... there's going to be CPAN units. Right, Joe? Before telling the community you couldn't even afford one of these puppies, you were going to allow someone who made lesser than you try. Shame on you.
You got what you needed. Right, Joe? A few bucks for your campaign war-chest. You gave up a measly zoning favor for the gesture.
(Sorry, newcomers, this is an inside joke. Well, a joke pulled on the community. And, to all those nay-sayers... I warned you. I did my part. Do yours. Stay tuned tuned to Channel 5 news at 10 PM, tonight, with Carol Marin... Then call the Inspectors and FEDS.)
Set your VCRs and TVOs people, tonight at 10:00pm Carol Marin (with a lot of help from our own Craig Gernhardt) is going to tell the rest of the city what we in Rogers Park already know: Alderman Joe Moore is a man with a plan - a plan to line his pockets while zone-change-begger-developers pockmark our neighborhood with holes to nowhere.
O.K., O.K. so my prose may be a little purple but you get the drift. Our Alderman is going to get asked some pretty tough questions by one of Chicago's top journalists . . . AND Carol Marin. That's tonight at 10:00 on Chanel 5 WMAQ-TV. Can't wait to see how Joe Joe wiggles out of this mess.
P.S. Isn't it interesting that our Aldermonster hasn't sent out one of his mass-emailings alerting people to his upcoming special segment on Chanel 5 tonight? I thought he was a publicity hound, a real go-getter when it comes to transparency and accountability. Oh, I guess that's only when the publicity shines a rose colored light on him and the transparencies and accountabilities only apply to other politicians and public servants, not himself. Of course. What was I thinking?
Looking forward to the 10 news. The suspense is killing me.
2:51 and I hear sirens at Farwell near Ashland.
Is that running today or tomorrow, the 18th?
mcl, I called the station to verify that it is running tonight.
I don't know where these promo's are airing, but the segment runs tomorrow at 10 PM:
Carol Marin and her producer go for both sides of the story. They're as fair as they come in the business. She doesn't touch a story unless you got all your facts right, and can prove it. That's why she came to me.
Please, tell your friends. Tell your neighbors. Heck, call the FEDS.
Everyone should enjoy this one. Everyone except Joe and Chad.
From the producer of the segment at 2:30 PM, today....
===It runs tomorrow night.===
If it runs both days, it's fine by me.
If other stations want to touch on other buildings like this... call me. :)
Unfortunately, I must have been misinformed. Sorry for the confusion. I'm going to watch Chanel 5 tonight anyway, just in case.
Me too, FW. Me too.
From: Falvo, Toni (NBC Universal)
To: luckenbach@rcn.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 4:05 PM
The Carol Marin Special airs tomorrow night the 18th
Toni Falvo
VP Research/Programming/Press
NBC5 Chicago
The shredders working overtime on St. Patty's Day.
The demolition of the Adelphi Theater was a horrible tragedy and a sad loss to the Rogers Park community.
What was left is a dangerous hole in the ground where gangbangers and prostitutes do their business.
The fencing is unsecure and the property is uncared for.
The Adelphi Theater was a true beauty. The Adelphi Hole is a public safety hazard.
I have no clue where that building is OR is that just a picture of a building that was supposed to go up and is now a hole in the ground?
Yes, Fargo I find it very interesting that we didn't get our usual email blast from Joe telling us how wonderful he is and to watch him on tv - LOL!
I'm setting the DVR
I was listening to WBEZ today. Ira Glass was fundraising while promo'ing this week's "This American Life" (Friday evening at 7 pm on 91.5 FM).
The theme of this week's show are unseen parts of America currently effected by the economic downturn. Apparently one of the segments will focus on never-completed condo rehabs in RP that are falling into disrepair.
Joe moore should concentrate on his ward and the neighborhhod, Instead he is trying to do personal fundraisers at rogers park auto body. Talk about changing zoning. I have a few indian friends and they all send him checks even though no one lives in his ward. Joe needs to spend more time in 49th ward and not worry about world politics. VOTE HIM OUT PLEASE.
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