Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What Other Alderman Think of Mr. Investigate Me

Alder-boob. Alder-creature. Alder-clown.

Isn't it nice to have co-workers that think you're nothing more than full of crap? They view you as someone who is looking to benefit himself for political purposes. A royal bullshitter. A sideshow carnival act. And these are co-workers you tell people are your friends. Read this.
During one of many lulls during the full City Council meeting last week, 49th Ward alderman Joe Moore was in the council lounge giving an interview to TV reporters about a new proposal to expand the powers of the inspector general’s office. His colleague Helen Shiller walked by looking skeptical.

“I think it’s a stunt,” she said of the proposal. “It’s a political move.” Source/Read more.
But wait, there's more.
“It’s bullshit!” {Bernie} Stone declared. “And these guys think they’re going to take the office out of the mayor’s hands and make it independent? Who do you think told [the IG] to go after me before an election? Not anyone in the City Council! And you’re going to tell me that wasn’t political? It’s bullshit!”

Stone saw someone he knew across the lobby. “Hi Mike,” he called out, friendly as could be. Then he turned back to me: “It’s bullshit! Bullshit! And anybody who votes for this is stupid!” Source/Read more.
Image by Grammar Gal


Craig Gernhardt said...

If it weren't for clout and patronage, Wayne Frasier wouldn't have a city job.

Craig Gernhardt said...

If it weren't for clout and patronage, Cary Steinbuck wouldn't have a city job.

Razldazlrr said...

The whole city and state needs to start from scratch and get rid of all the clout!

floss said...

May the investigators leave no Stone unturned, Bernie.

Jocelyn said...

Who cares what Bernie Stone thinks anyway.

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