Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Where's My Event Number, Commander?

If you were at last nights meeting, you heard the commander divide up responsibility of policing duties. "One third Police... One third Community... One third Public..."

Given that -- this morning at 9:10 AM, I witnessed 3 open air drug market salesman working their "8 hour shift" as the commander calls it, at 1358 West Morse Avenue, in CAPS beat 2431. The street our commander says is no where near the problem of Howard.

One of these gang-banger/dealers I've known for years working this beat. In fact, I went to court to have one of his buddies convicted of criminal damage to property.

I saw Sergeant Jones (#2430) patrolling the area, going "one to five miles an hour." He pulled over at the Morse Avenue EL and got out of his squad car. I approached him and explained to him what was going on. He said he noticed too. This was right under the blue light camera. We stood around and "shot the shit" for about five minutes. We talked about the weather and stuff. We forced the three drug-dealers to move on, as they were feeling very uncomfortable trying to deal drugs in front of us. They moved down to Morse and Greenview to do their drug and gang business. For that, I think I've earned a drug and gang dispersal event number. What do you say?

9:43 AM: 2430 is asking for help stopping three at Morse and Greenview. Those must be our guys.

9:52 AM: Taking one female truant back to Sullivan High School from 1600 West Morse.


Craig Gernhardt said...

If the community is doing 1/3rd, and the public is doing 1/3rd, shouldn't we the taxpayers be getting 2/3rds of our tax dollars back for police services?

Hugh said...

"One third Community... One third Public..."

what's the distinction between the community and the public?

Craig Gernhardt said...

I don't know, but it sure sounds like a stat.

I heart the R.P. said...

On my way to the Morse Market. I'll report back if I'm harassed by kids from Sullivan or the other lovely's on the street.

Chip Bagg said...

Don't try to make sense out of anything this commander says. He seems to love the little gang-bangers and defends them at every turn. Trying to make sense of this will drive you crazy. Besides, crime is DOWN.

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