Thursday, April 2, 2009

Message from the Chicago Police. "Daley Sucks!"

Chanting "Daley sucks," thousands of Chicago Police officers marched around City Hall and rallied at the Daley Center Plaza today to protest their two-year wait for a new contract and Daley's decision to dismiss the union's no-confidence vote in Police Supt. Jody Weis. Source/Read more.


Big Daddy said...

I estimate the crowd to be around 3,000. And so that you don't believe all the anti-police nonsense that the Mayor will be spewing via his minions in the newsmedia, this rally was more than just about money. Remember, we have been without a contract for almost two years. When the contract expired almost two years ago, things were pretty good. We weren't in the economic meltdown that we find ourselves in now. The Mayor didn't come to us at that time and tell us that since we were doing a good job here's some extra pay or that he would negotiate in good faith. He just let it drag on and on as he always does. So don't fall prey to the nonsense that he will be spewing about us being greedy. We aren't. We know people are losing their jobs, their homes. We feel bad for them, we sympathize with them. He had put an offer on the table of 16% over five years. We feel that while the money is right about where we would like to be, we don't want a five year contract. Daley does. That way when the new contract expires 2012, he can negotiate a new one that would expire in 2017. Remember what he wants to occur here in 2016? That's right. A five year contract now and then again in 2012 would take us PAST the Olympics in 2016 which would be right up his alley. But our beef goes beyond the money. It's also about other things. Things like radios that don't last eight hours (they usually last six), cars that are broken down and have on average in excess of 150k on them. Not being given the tools to do our jobs, things like PDT's that work properly, rifles in the event of an attack like that in India. The increasing number of cameras in this City which allows him to decrease the amount of Officers hired to replace those that quit or retire. Oh, BTW, those same camera's that have almost no effect on crime because they either don't work or are pointed in the wrong direction. Yet they can highlight your license plate from a mile away if you get caught on camera running a redlight. A CAPS program that takes Officers off the street when it accomplishes nothing. The feeding to the media of things that he thinks will make us look bad like that little piece chuck goudie ran Wednsady night. The one that was not factual and only purpose was to turn the public against us. Coincidental that it ran the night before our rally, right? I think not. The list goes on and on ladies and gentlemen. There is a tea party brewing here and I thinks it's beginning with the Chicago Police Department. This guy does not like us (which is OK) but that translates into more crime and a lower quality of life for all of us. He doesn't take law enforcement seriously. If he did, things would be a lot different. We would have the equipment we need and should have to eliminate the criminal element that preys upon YOU. Equipment that most every other law enforcement agency has. So it's not all about money no matter what the Mayor will have you believe. It's also about having the tools to do our job properly.

Man On The Street said...

While we have disagreed a little in the past, I have respected your opinion and have to agree, when I saw Daley throwing the cops under the bus, all because they were going to protest during his little beauty pagent for the IOC, I think I understood the frustration. Does he really think that pissing off the cops is a good idea when you're trying to get the entire world to come here for the Games?

I get the feeling, but the little things that are going on now in the streets, that this summer will be brutal in terms of gangs, etc. If Daley thinks it's a smart idea to diss the cops now, he's dumber than I thought. And I thought he was pretty dumb to begin with.

Unknown said...

It's just insane that Daley cares more about his little IOC party and parade than he does the police that guard this city. He seems to have completely forgotten what he was elected to do here. I pray we don't get the Olympics and maybe some priorities can go back to the city services that really count, instead of fancying up the tour bus areas.

Man On The Street said...

By the way, I whole heartedly agree with fengfk2008...

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