Friday, April 17, 2009

Russ Stewart Says Don Gordon is Running For Alderman

Here's what Don Gordon says....
"Stewart is picking this up from someone other than me. Good investigative journalism would dictate that he at least ask me at some point rather than rely on just second-hand sources before he makes such a bold and declarative statement. I won't deny that I've talked to a number of people over the past couple months to solicit feedback from those whose opinion I value. Suffice it to say that with the election almost 2 years off, I'm still in the explorative stage. However, I won't deny that I'm seriously considering another run again, but it will be a number of months yet before I can feel comfortable in determining whether there's sufficient support. I won't run just to seek a job. I'll run only if I feel there's a wide base of support again in the community that wants me to be a candidate in 2011."

There you have it. You heard it here first. Straight from the horses, or in this case, Don Gordon's mouth. He's still in the explorative stage at the moment. Russ, next time just call or email Don, it would be easier than speculating.


Craig Gernhardt said...

Stewart said...> "Moore’s 2011 prospects rank between dismal and non-existent."LOL.

The North Coast said...

I only hope that we can all get solidly behind whatever promising candidate decides to run against Joe or whatever Moore sidekick- Fagus, Katy Hogan, et al- steps into the lurch if Joe decides to step down.

The last election was HORRIBLE, replete with petty personal attacks on good candidates and internecine squabbling in public view.

And I really hope that citizens who complain ceaselessly about the way this ward is run but who did not bother to vote out of apathy or because they thought that the election was "too nasty", haul their asses out to vote this time. If only a couple of hundred or so more people had bothered themselves to get off their duffs to vote, we might have been spared another four years of Moore.

Fargo Woman said...

Gordon said, "...I'm still in the explorative stage. However, I won't deny that I'm seriously considering another run again, but it will be a number of months yet before I can feel comfortable in determining whether there's sufficient support."

Does anyone out there know how to start an online petition? Let's show Don our support! Unless, that is, North Coast is willing to run in which case I'll put what little money I have (About $4.56) where my mouth is and start her campaign fund.

Seriously, NC, I'm only half joking. Have you ever considered the possibility?


The North Coast said...

Fargo Woman, thanks very much for the flattering comments, but, no, I wouldn't run. I lack the kind of "hands on" experience getting things done for the neighborhood and rallying people that other people around here have, and frankly, there are people far more adept at that than I am. It's a core talent for a community leader, and if you don't have it, you won't succeed. I also haven't been active enough in neighborhood organizations and activities.

I believe I can do more good by writing and getting my ideas out there, and by doing other things that better the neighborhood. When I am better positioned financially than I am now, I'd like to acquire vintage apartment buildings to restore them to their original beauty, make them sustainable, and turn them into moderate- income cooperatives for like-minded people.

Don Gordon has run public-interest-type organizations, is a home owner who has lived in the neighborhood for 30 years,and seems to be emotionally committed to the neighborhood. He's an all-round example setter, which I am not exactly.

Other very plausible candidates would be Toni Duncan or Eva McCann. These two ladies are very active, are homeowners, and have reputations for honesty,compassion, smarts, and being able to accomplish things.

But I will get behind whoever declares first, and I hope everyone else does the same. I just don't want a repeat of 2007, and you will remember just how that was.

I'll take any one of these, and I'm sure there are other good people out there, too.Anyone who isn't one of Moore's camp-followers and who has a good resume as a doer and organizer, and has a vision for the neighborhood, is someone who is worthy of our consideration.

I just don't want to see 3 or 4 good people run against each other and then blow it all by getting involved in sordid public squabbles and really nasty, inappropriate personal attacks on each other.

As for those people who did not vote last time, SHAME ON YOU, especially if you are a property owner. Voting of course does not solve problems in and of itself, but it's the least someone can do. If you did not vote, do not complain.

The mere THOUGHT of somebody like Katy Hogan or David Fagus in office is enough make a person who's on the fence about where to buy, head for another neighborhood. Let's not let that happen.

Fargo Woman said...

Alright then. So, about that online petition . . . anyone know how to get one started?

The North Coast said...

There is a site called Care 2, which you will find if you search "how to start online petition".

Do you want to set it up, or shall I?

Craig Gernhardt said...

Click here.

mcl said...

I don't know who started the petition, but whoever did and has the ability to access the 'control panel' should delete anonymous and negative comments as they appear (currently #4 & #6). It's a petition advocating for Don Gordon to become a candidate not a blog for one to post their pin headed smear remarks.

Fargo Woman said...

Craig, you name being the first on the list tells me you probably got that started. GOOD FOR YOU! Thanks.

Yeah, MCL, it is too bad we can't delete that one.


RP Free Speech said...

North Coast said:

"But I will get behind whoever declares first, and I hope everyone else does the same. I just don't want a repeat of 2007, and you will remember just how that was.

I'll take any one of these, and I'm sure there are other good people out there, too. Anyone who isn't one of Moore's camp-followers and who has a good resume as a doer and organizer, and has a vision for the neighborhood, is someone who is worthy of our consideration."

So, you'll back the first declarer, North Coast, but then you don't want anyone from Moore's camp.

"The last election was HORRIBLE, replete with petty personal attacks on good candidates and internecine squabbling in public view."--you say.

Wouldja, couldja, possibly back a candidate, possibly from NO existent party, who is intensely interested in the now-and-future of Rogers Park? And who might run under no known PARTY flag?

Would any of you have the creativity to understand that you could possibly back someone who may not profess to be Republican or Democrat?

Or, is it simply that you will lay back and take every tax 'as it comes, sheeple?

mcl said...

Fargo Woman;
It can, and should be, deleted by whoever put up the Petition and can access the Petition Control Panel with their password.

Craig Gernhardt said...

I put it up. The free features on this program won't allow me to delete the nonsense. For this first poll of many to come, just figure the nay-sayers as very worried.

Heck, it's almost like real life. I've gone around to get petition sheets signed in my day - and you always get a few people who don't agree with your message and let you know it, face-to-face. That's the game. Here, I don't get spit in the eye.

mcl said...

I also am using 'ipetition' (free) for my "Empower Chicago's Inspector General Petition" and, as the sponsor, I am able to delete signatures by accessing the control panel with my password.

Craig Gernhardt said...

I noticed you've got anonymous signers too.

Please, email me, and walk me through the steps. I looked (obviously, not well) and couldn't find the way to remove comments.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Never mind. I figured it out.

mcl said...


The North Coast said...

Sure, I'd back a candidate from another party or NO PARTY, especially for local offices.

However, I will also support the candidate I know, and will oppose anyone affiliated with Moore.

If Don decides to actually run, and he is first, I will support him. I supported him before, and would do so again. However, if he does not, there are a number of good people who would serve perfectly well, and I repeat, I'll support whoever officially declares first. It would be GREAT if this person were an independent.

But be realistic. Independent candidates have been huge disappointments in the past. I supported Ross Perot, who was a massive disappointment, to say the least, to the people who put their time and money into his campaign. These burned people will probably never support an independent candidate again, because they have seen how these third-angle campaigns can skew a major election to favor the very person you don't want to elect. I wish like anything, for example, that Ralph Nader had stayed the hell out of the 2004 and 2000 campaigns, because he pulled enough support away from the Dem candidates to assure Bush's election, especially in 2000.

been there said...

2 years and the guy still hasn't got a job? but he wouldn't run just to get a job? sure, sure....

Unknown said...

Two years to go, and angry little Mo is already trying to bring meaning to her life through brainless, hate-filled comments about a neighborhood election.

Perhaps, Mo, you should reconsider your own career path. Might give you something to do and eliminate at least some of the pointing and laughing.

I heart the R.P. said...

Gordon was robbed his last run, and we all know it. I was in disbelief on June 22, when the court over turned it's own decision to investigate the 49th Ward Aldermanic election.
I hope Gordon runs and wins this time. We deserve better than Joe Moore.

been there said...

i don't know any such thing, and yet i was right there, a judge. and don's judge and 2 poll watchers were perfectly happy, too. and yet they challenged my precinct. i have asked many times to see the evidence relating to my precinct, and have been refused.
yes, a mountain of evidence. so they keep saying. a secret mountain of evidence.
no, nobody "knows" anything.

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