Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday News with Timmy

Hi, Craig, things were ok this week.

April 14: On Tuesday, we went to the Jane Addams Hull House Muesum. It was pretty nice. We went on a tour then had lunch in the Soup kitchen where State Representative Julie Hamos spoke about someting about organic foods. In other news, before we left, I saw a few kids getting arrested. I heard one was arrested for stealing an administrator's walkie-talkie.

April 15: On Wednesday, things were kind of insane. In the morning, it was the usual fooling around, but by the time noon came, things just started popping off. A fight broke out in the lunchroom right after I left there (I saw the aftermath results though). One of the guys involved in the fight was yelling and screaming in a violent way about what happened (I could barely make out what he was saying, though). It took several security guards to calm him down. I believe he was arrested as well because I saw him being escorted to the police room, unless they just wanted to keep him away from the other kid involved. As I was cleaning my locker out, another kid stormed out of the disciplinary office. He looked if as he was swinging his arms at the disciplinarian teacher. After all of that, things appeared to calm down a bit but there were still arguments and fooling around.

April 16: On Thursday, all hell broke loose. Before my lunch, things were the usual (fooling around, small arguments, etc.), but at my lunch, I saw a fight starting and as it drew out, kids in the lunchroom were getting up and running to watch the fight. I heard someone's face was blooded. I also heard of two other brawls breaking out after the one I saw. More than a dozen kids were arrested. Other general mayhem happened as well in the afternoon.

April 17: On Friday, things were ok. Other than people talking about more fighting and a near fight that broke out, there was the usual fooling around and what have you. Glad the weekend is here though.

April 20: On Monday, things were good. School was calm and I talked to some of my friends. In other news, I've got a field trip tomorrow to the Orientational Muesum, which is at about Woodlawn and 58th streets.

- Thanks,
Avondale/Logan Square Crime Blotter


Michael said...

The Hull House is supposedly haunted.

Edgewater Crime Blotter said...

By the "Devil Baby," right? Uh huh.

billyjoe said...

"Orientational Muesum"


Unknown said...

Great job, Timmy, as always. Sorry you have to put up with people who don't appreciate the importance of education.

AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

Well, it's not, Micheal. I was there and quite frankly, it was nice.

Billyjoe, I'm going to ask you to shut up. At least I attempted to spell those words (I do know how to spell museum but I was in a hurry at the time. Is that what you wanted to hear?). Since you're bitching (yes, I swore. I'm no saint)about it, I'm going to kindly ask Craig to please correct it for me.

You see, billyjoe, unlike you, I don't have the time to see if I made errors on my grammar. I have to go to school and I've got other things to do besides typing up some observations. I just publish it and hope people are informed. Besides, I'm sure people can understand what I wrote anyway. How would you like if I wrote like dis (c@n u under$t@nd what !m saying?. I'm sure you can't)? Finally, billyjoe, you need to stay on your meds instead of correcting someone. I know all about your insaneness. Correct yourself (as in taking your meds) first, then come talk to me.

RogersParking, at least you appreciate what I write. Just as long as at least one person is informed, that means I must be doing something right.

Michael said...


RP Free Speech said...

Tim: Besides yourself, how many of the students tend to disregard the fights, because they have become so frequent?

Are fights begun by one particular group, or one particular age level?

It seems you and many others are doing quite well, managing to learn something everyday. The fighters seem to know nothing but how to get in trouble.

Sullivan High's principal, and several others teachers you've mentioned along the way, seem devoted to educating all students.

Got any ideas on how to turn these kids around--besides jail?

Just asking...and keep up the great work! You continue to progress in your writing style, it's definitely maturing. Disregard jerks like 'billyjoe'--wonder who he really is? Hmmm....

AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

Well, GG, I see some students (probably around 35%-40% of them) avoid the fights.

I want to say the fights start from a particular group (or groups, in this case) but lately it seems like that most of the freshmen/sophomores are involved. However, not every freshmen or sophomore like the fighting, neither are they involved.

It's a shame that the fighters seem only to know how to get in trouble, because a few of them are in my classes, and they're smart. I think they just want to appear "cool" so they can have "cool" friends, but as I learned over the past year or so, acting "cool" will get you nowhere. I'm actually glad for the most part that I straighten up, because I could've ended up in serious trouble for the things I was doing (yes, I was like the fighters last year).

I agree with you with the principal and other teachers seeming as if they're devoted to educating all of us.

As for turning the kids around, GG, I honestly don't have any ideas. And I'm leaving it up to the adults to do that.

I do wonder who billyjoe is. Kinda sounds like Joe Moore if you ask me.

Craig Gernhardt said...

===I do wonder who billyjoe is. Kinda sounds like Joe Moore if you ask me.===

Or his blog troll son, Nathan.

Unknown said...

Don't worry about billyjoe, Timmy. He's just brainless, and you're doing a great job.

Man On The Street said...

Billyjoe is apparently suffering from "forest for the trees" syndrome. While he's busy feeding the insect apparently lodged in his keester by focusing on the spelling mistakes of a student in a special education high school curriculum, he's missing the critical description of what is going on in our public schools every day. I for one am amazed that fighting, as Timmy describes it, goes on nearly EVERY SINGLE DAY. That some students have no regard for authority, be it teacher or security. Yeah, I knew it existed, but to hear that it happens nearly every day is a little surprising to me. And not just one fight, but several breaking out in the hallways, the lunchroom, etc.

Yeah, keep looking for those spelling mistakes, billyjoe. And maybe later we can go laugh at old folks with walkers.

billyjoe said...

Someone could have simply written, "He meant 'Oriental Museum,'" but noooooooooooooo. The thread has to turn into a sense-of-humorless, personal attack on billyjoe for bringing up Timmy's amusing mistake.

BillyJoe'sBrain said...

Man, billyjoe is boring...

billyjoe said...

billyjoe's "boring?"

Judging by all the comments here, billyjoe relieves a lot of boredom, especially for you.

AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

Ha ha! Good one, Craig (about billyjoe)!

MOTS, I also had to laugh at your forest for the trees and insect bits. But you're right, he's missing the important stuff I'm telling all of you. All of this fighting is disturbing. Mind you, I went to a much worser school for four years before starting at Sullivan, but some of the kids were nice enough sometimes to take their fights after school. Yeah, I'm glad I came to Sullivan, but the everyday fights are really getting annoying. The few students you talked about having no regard for teachers or security also have no regard for even our police officers in the school, it seems to me.

Billyjoe, I can't count on my fingers how many times I've seen you give personal attacks to people on the comments of the posts here at "Broken Heart", so why are you getting upset because people are giving you your fair share?

Resident said...

billyjoe is a classic message board troll, through and through.

He will derail any discussion he can with off topic stupidity, simply to get people all riled up. Soon the thread will become all about him and his aforementioned stupidity, then he will sit back and act surprised and offended.

It's sad really, but that is what trolls do.

billyjoe said...

Dear Resident: I guess I worked my special "troll" magic on you. No need to thank me, I'm more than glad to oblige!

BTW, Timmy: There are probably a lot of people "on Meds" on this site, but I ain't one of them. Shame on you, a disabled person, disparaging and discounting those people who do need medicine to physically or mentally function in a normal manner.

esdsdie said...

oriental museum. which is a nice place, actually. i'm sure you'll enjoy it.
i'm glad you went to hull house. you should do some research on it, and on jane adams, to learn more. but i also believe it's haunted... so... yea.

Resident said...

"Shame on you, a disabled person, disparaging and discounting those people who do need medicine to physically or mentally function in a normal manner."

Let me guess billyjoe, is your Mom disabled too? Or has she died again recently? I know you're so "concerned" about the welfare of others.

billyjoe said...

Dear Resident: I guess I worked my special "troll" magic on you. No need to thank me, I'm more than glad to oblige!

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