Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Menu Money Covers Night Parking for ZULAC Member

No city sticker. No Illinois plates. That doesn't bother the person who daily drives this truck around Rogers Park. It's ZULAC member, Jim Ginderske.

Then, to add insult to injury, the revenue scofflaw, without remorse, parks his truck free of charge at night. In the lot provided to seniors on a fixed income.

Worse yet with this whole debacle. The tax-payers are flipping the bill.

And, to the best on my knowledge, Ginderske doesn't even live anywhere near these parking lots.

It pays to be connected at the hip to Joe Moore. For at least one year Jim avoided buying a city sticker for his vehicle. Saving him about another $100.


Unknown said...

Man, that guy has a great future in Chicago politics. What a loser.

Bill Morton said...

Well, How about that!

floss said...

Will Moore pay for the parking next year, when parking is no longer a hot topic in the media?

Clark St. said...

Why hasn't Ginderske's truck been ticketed for a reciprocity violation?
After a certain amount of time, you're required to get Illinois plates.
It's definitely no more than 90 days!

Razldazlrr said...

yea, what is with that guy and that creepy truck of his? Why does he not have IL plates and a city sticker? (ok, what's zulac?)
It's going to be interesting to see all the "seniors on a fixed income" that park nightly in Moore's parking lots.

Craig Gernhardt said...

===After a certain amount of time, you're required to get Illinois plates.===

Not if your name is Jim Ginderske and you're a "BFF" with Joe Moore.

Craig Gernhardt said...

===Why does he not have IL plates and a city sticker?===

He's a cheap-skate. My nephews call guys like him "Free-loaders"...

Craig Gernhardt said...

===(ok, what's zulac?)===

It's short for puppet. Or Rubber Stamp. It's the 49th ward zoning committee.

floss said...

Does out of state registration also allow Jim to escape the emissions testing?

shameless tapeworm.

Clark St. said...

Craig Gernhardt said...

===After a certain amount of time, you're required to get Illinois plates.===

Not if your name is Jim Ginderske and you're a "BFF" with Joe Moore.
So does Moore have any clout with Jesse White & the Secretary of State's office & their investigators?
The SOS cops could ticket Ginderske's truck, just call them & give them the details on where & when.

Rogers Park Vigilance said...

NO! Don't tip off the cops! Save it for Joe's opponent.

Philip McGregor Rogers said...

I like getting updates on
jims truck.

the name of the blog should be

Broken Heart of Rogers Park
(with freq updates of jims truck)

Its like jims truck is the mascot.
Thats cool.

The North Coast said...

Well, today we've had torrential rain, and we can see where the $267,000 should have gone.

Lake Columbia, the freshwater lake that forms at the corner of Sheridan and Columbia, is swelling, making the street impassible to pedestrians dressed in normal street shoes. There is also a large, deep puddle in front of my building on Pratt that nothing has been done to alleviate in spite of numerous phone calls on the part of our property managers and residents.

The sewer has been clogged at Sheridan and Columbia for YEARS. When it rains heavily, the puddle is so broad and deep that you have to walk clear up to the alley behind the Starbucks there in order to cross Columbia.

Why is providing a handful of people with free parking spaces more important than the overall condition the pothole-pocked streets and clogged storm sewers?

It really shouldn't be for the alderman to make such decisions. We need to campaign to change the system. Instead of handing each aldercreature a discretionary fund of $1.5 mm to meet the ward's infrastructure needs, that money should simply go to a city infrastructure repair fund and be allocated according to need, as determined by Streets & San independent of the desires of the politicians. As things are set up now, it is only a way to give aldermen more power than they should have.

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