Monday, June 1, 2009

New Rogers Park Chamber of Commerce


been there said...

people really ought to find out more about the chamber before they welcome it to our neighborhood. they aren't floyd and the boys at the barbershop. if you have ever wondered who could oppose things like a minimum wage, and worker safety, the answer is the u.s. chamber.
would you like an accountable chamber in rogers park? the us chamber is not it. they are accountable to the indecently rich in this country. is that what the question means?

Quest Network Services said...

Finnally a "real" Chamber of Commerce! Lets hope they can get things done the right way unlike the non Chamber of Commerce Dev Corp....

RP Free Speech said...

'been there' said a lot of stuff. As I understand it, the new Rogers Park Chamber of Commerce is a MEMBER of the US Chamber...not a puppet, as are so many politicians today. It would behoove you, 'been there', to read the Ethics Policy which Craig kindly posted.

And just a question: Are you so against RP bettering itself that you would spit in the face of your neighbors?

been there said...

yes, a pretty little statement. i am sure the republican party has a nice little statement like that in the files somewhere, too. in fact, i am sure the filing cabinets of corporate pirates are brimming over with words about ethics. judge them by their actions, not their words.
do i spit in the face of my neighbors? they certainly have no trouble doing that to me, and many in the community who have worked hard for a long time to better this neighborhood. the u.s. chamber has more than spit upon workers in this neighborhood, and pretty much all the others in this city and others. it has taken their money, and used it to screw them.

and just to whom and how is this chapter accountable? will this chapter work for a living wage? or will they roll out the red carpet for walmart?

RP Free Speech said...

'been there': I think you are confusing the US Chamber with Joe Moore.

"do i spit in the face of my neighbors? they certainly have no trouble doing that to me, and many in the community who have worked hard for a long time to better this neighborhood. the u.s. chamber has more than spit upon workers in this neighborhood, and pretty much all the others in this city and others. it has taken their money, and used it to screw them."

Jason said...

Who puts out a press release in Comic Sans? Dear Lord, we're in trouble...

RP Free Speech said...

Well, obviously "JASON", it was 'readable' in Comic Sans, wasnt it?

If you could have done it better, say in what, Monotype Corsiva, then just go be a part of it.

ck said...

Yeah, and the logo looks like it's from 1977. But then again, so do the cheesy, pathetic murals they're painting on the L's retaining wall between Morse and I guess it's keeping with the vintage, "failed approaches to urban renewal" vibe of Rogers Park.

Philip McGregor Rogers said...


new bicycle shop in RP,
bike shops are popping up all over the place, this one is called the recyclery and is at 7628 n paulina

not enough positive news on this website. New Retail north of Howard, that doesnt suck, thats a big deal.

I also think the new murals are cool, they are of a different style than the older ones obviously so i dont get the jab about it being 70s.

the 70s were cool, i was born then so that proves it, haha
anyways i like the 70s style,

Glenwood has been getting better,
there is a comic book store and a new gaybar and new murals, what more can you ask for?

Jason said...

Why so angry, Grammar Gal?

I too think this blog suffers from too much negativity.

Read about the bicycle shop and am pumped about that.

The Hop Haus at Gateway is an incredible get for the neighborhood.

Things are looking up, but it's still hilarious when a group puts out a press release in Comic Sans.

Craig Gernhardt said...

===Read about the bicycle shop and am pumped about that.===

Stop yapping about the store and go buy a bike.

Craig Gernhardt said...

===The Hop Haus at Gateway is an incredible get for the neighborhood.===

Go YELP a review if the place is so incredible.

BillyJoe'sBrain said...

Does Jason realize that The Hop Haus is Leona's with larger beer list? Why are some Rogers Park residents so happy with the mediocre?

Jason said...

I already own a bike and yes I do realize that Leona's owns Hop Haus, but should we care?

It's another positive business establishment in the neighborhood -- whether it's owned by a small or large player, that's a good thing™.

Craig, I do enjoy the blog and your coverage of the hood, but damn if you're not the most bitter, grumpy, negative dude on earth.

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