Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jim Madigan earns support of the Chicago National Organization for Women PAC

Press Release:

“I’m thrilled to have earned the trust and support of the Chicago National Organization for Women PAC. I have always and will continue to unconditionally support women’s equality and defend the right to reproductive freedom.” – Jim Madigan

"Jim Madigan is one of the most dynamic and creative young leaders in Illinois. He will bring sensitivity on issues of gender and sexuality to our state political process, which badly needs his fresh ideas.” – Martha Nussbaum, University of Chicago Law School Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Ethics

Jim Madigan, Democratic candidate for the 7th State Senate district, picked up key support today with the announcement of full support by the Chicago Chapter of the National Organization for Women PAC.

In making the announcement, Chicago NOW PAC Chairwoman Michelle Staeger commented: “We've decided to openly support Jim because he is so strong on all of our issues and we know that he will be a constant ally of women and girls. Illinois needs his fresh ideas and his energy.”

Madigan has a long history on advocating for women.

Jim defended two women professors in Ohio when a right-wing politician sued to take away health benefits for their children and partners. The resulting court decision saved health benefits for public university employees across that State.

As far back as 2000, Jim was the only man in the entire City of Chicago who stood up to the City Council when it tried to bestow honors on a pornographer who made his money off of women.

Jim is dedicated to the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Jim Madigan has received financial backing from several prominent Chicago women including Laura Ricketts, Nan Schaffer and Martha Nussbaum.

Madigan faces incumbent Heather Steans in the February 2nd Democratic Primary. Jim is the only State legislative candidate that Chicago NOW PAC is supporting.


Razldazlrr said...

"right-wing politician" - give me a break! I am a professional female and a lot of these women's groups are way too liberal for me. Just because a "womens group" supports a politician, that certainly doesn't make me want to vote for the person!

Unknown said...

Taxes are a form oppression. I have hit my breaking point.

I will hold my nose and vote Republican.

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