Monday, October 11, 2010

Murder/Suicide on Granville


The North Coast said...

We're hearing of more of this as this deep recession drags on. Strange how the people you love and who are supposed to be your support and comfort in bad times are the people first victimized when someone goes over the cliff from the stresses of life.

So tragic. My condolences to the survivors. I hope they had no kids. And thank the Gods that no bystander was hit.

Unknown said...

Hey Chicago finally has a Curbed!

RehaSH Of U Lucky Dawg

Razldazlrr said...

I don't know if this had anything to do with recession - I read in comments section today that they had an only child that committed suicide 5 years ago - I have no clue, just what someone posted

Unknown said...

Trash update. 10/12/10

Common Cup still not picking up trash. Took a minute to pick it up.
And once again skipped their store.

I called Tony of A and P management who owns the 6921 16 unit and let him know that he has been acting like a slumlandlord. That motorcycle has been in that courtyard for the last 5 years and
that the parkway in front his building is a nightmare. I have cleaned it up over the past three days and now it looks decent.

Some rough looking rasta guys seem to be the latest rotation of drug dealers at the corner. they hide in the trees by 6921 n wayne.
They give Nico trouble too at Morse Gyros. And apparently the corner of Morse and Wayne is the Magic Block. as the sidewalk writers have said.

ProGun said...

Thanks for picking up the trash.
I also pick up the trash on my way to points east. Still I love the common cup. Does the SSA have people to sweep and pick up trash? Isn't that what Dev Cor is managing from across the street?

Yes I did see a few new faces on Morse. The side walk tagging in fresh cement is never a good thing.

The crew running the Morse Ave Street scape is not the A team. Someone from the aldrmans office should note just how inattentive this contractor has been to the business's needs.

rogerspark60645 said...

I was picking up lunch at Morse and Wayne yesterday at about 1:20. There must have been 15 a/a youth just hanging out in front of Morse Gyros. This also included a little girl who was about 3 years old with a mom who was about 17. It was a regular Norman Rockwell scene as a few of the males bent down to talk to the little girl. Of course nobody cleared the sidewalk for me with such a tender moment taking place. The little kid was cute. I hope her mom develops the good sense to get her off of the corner before she is on the news as another one of the babies caught in gang crossfire.

driftin said...

Craig, maybe you can create a special post that's a dedicated place where geofredo can post information and links that have absolutely nothing to do with the other blog topics.

Unknown said...

My point about the trash/litter is this.....

Its everyone's problem.
And there seems to be a strange phobia about picking it up.
The standard way of dealing with it is to just ignore it.

If the community doesnt pick it up then what does that say?
What it says is no one gives a damn.

Im one person and I am doing the best I can.
Why cant anyone else help? I will still do it if they wont, but that is very anti-community.

Litter is a symptom of a community who doesnt care.
When I see litter outside the Common Cup it tells me LOUD and CLEAR that they dont care.
Its not their problem so why should they pick it up?

Well its all our problem.
This is largely a community of renters or condo owners.
So they dont have houses, where they would probably pickup in front of.
We we have instead is shared communal places.
Stuff thats not ours, like a 4.4 million dollar building at the corner of greenview and morse.
Does that mean we should still let the litterers win the day?

Or is litter just a cool side benefit from living in the city?

Maybe we should have more Coops,
then people might care more.

Picking up litter is instant gratification, its cleaned up
and it took very little time.

Glad you are picking up trash too bwalker.

BillyJoe'sBrain said...

What driftin said...

The North Coast said...

As details become available, the tragedy deepens. The couple's 17-year-old boy killed himself with his father's gun in 2005 and things went rapidly downhill from there.

What a horror. How the parents both must have blamed themselves and each other. There was a lot of recrimination, and the father just destabilized completely. Strange how the people you love and should be able to depend upon at such a time become objects of hatred and blame. This seems to happen so often- I guess each associated the other with this horror, and their relationship just fell apart.

A triple tragedy.

And lastly, I don't care what anyone says on the matter, just because you have your 2nd Amendment right to own a gun doesn't mean you should. If you want to carry, that should be your business, but if I were living with someone unstable and volatile, I'd either get the weapon out of the house, or get out of the house, period. Guns are just too easy to use in a heated moment.

Charlie Didrickson said...

RP60645 cried: I was picking up lunch at Morse and Wayne yesterday at about 1:20. There must have been 15 a/a youth just hanging out in front of Morse Gyros. This also included a little girl who was about 3 years old with a mom who was about 17. It was a regular Norman Rockwell scene as a few of the males bent down to talk to the little girl. Of course nobody cleared the sidewalk for me with such a tender moment taking place. The little kid was cute. I hope her mom develops the good sense to get her off of the corner before she is on the news as another one of the babies caught in gang crossfire.

11:01 AM

OMG we STILL let a/a (Black People) stand on the corner?!!!


Sounds like a healthy lunch.

Unknown said...

Well Charlie the race wasnt the point, its mob action though.

A territorial pissing.
Doesnt Nirvana have a song like that? They are just "holding" their corner. Tell how comfortable you are hanging at Nico's when crap like that goes on.

Nico doesnt like it. And some "customers" give him alot of shit, "oh my blah blah blah is overcooked" and then they say after he has thrown out their food and cooking another one for them "oh it was okay can i have it back?"

rogerspark60645 said...

Charlie, I also described their age group and gender, but I was expecting somebody to scold the a/a part. Sorry I can't pretty it up for you. The truth is they were in fact black. Go ahead now, pounce!

Unknown said...

* tell ME how comfortable you are

Razldazlrr said...

Charlie is just someone to ignore - purposely missing the real point. This more than just "standing on a corner." I often see them standing there too and they are beyond obnoxious. However, they do move to the sides and let me through when I come walking through with 2 big dogs! All of a sudden those big men become very small LOL!

Charlie Didrickson said...

Yes, what was the "real" point anyway?

Chip Bagg said...

The point is: This neighborhood would be a nicer place if we could just FLUSH the Ghetto-turds down the sewer. Do you get the point now?

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