For $25,000 per vehicle, a few inches of snow shouldn't even faze it's performance.
If you think you got it bad, take a look at this. Tonight one of our local police officers got stuck in the snow with their fancy SUV vehicle at Pratt and Sheridan around 7PM. Not to worry, with the help of extra police pushing from the tail-end, it took at least 20 minutes to get it unstuck.
I've got lots of crazy photos. Power lines are down on Morse.
Pole blown over on Morse.
Snow is coming down so hard you can't see.
At least the bikes attached to the pole are still upright.
Enjoy this blast from Mother Nature. Go out and have a little fun in the snow. If you're brave enough, walk to the end of the Pratt Avenue Pier. If that doesn't get your nipples hard, nothing will.
Blognotes: Tomorrow I'll give you all the low-down on the Gay Chicago Magazine endorsement.
CPD purchased SUVs that do NOT have 4 wheel drive. No joke. The entire fleet is 2 wheel drive and not even front wheel drive! They fishtail and get stuck constantly.
Thats stupid,SUVs that arent 4 wheel drive!
I dig the bicycle sculpture.
Didnt see that one yet.
B1E gallery has been busy.
Those Chevy Tahoes are the worst vehicles in the snow in the history of motorized vehicles. Why anyone would outfit first responders/Police Officers that operate in the countries snowbelt with rear wheel drive vehicles is beyond me.Oh, wait a minute, now I know. The bureau uses Tahoes. And because we are stuck with Big Head J-Fled, we must use Tahoes. Another brilliant decision by the clueless one.
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