Friday, February 18, 2011

Where Am I?

Here's a hint. If this corner could talk, it would ask - Why am I still a hole in the ground? Why doesn't anyone want to buy me?


been there said...

you are in the hole, which, tho unsightly is not a rat infested fire trap. and the answer to why no one wants to buy it is something called the recession. real estate is like that.

Anonymous said...

Fixing up the old Adelphi would've cost less than tearing it down and building the ugly-ass condos that were planned. And as for rat-infested, that's the whole neighborhood, my friend.

Quest Network Services said...

You are at the corner of Estes and Clark. No one will buy you because the theater that was once there is gone.

I live here too said...

I like how the steel framework that had been erected was apparently repossessed.

Bill Morton said...

Alderman Joe Moore Moore fully supported a failure developer after receiving campaign contributions.

No background check.

Despite community opposition and a massive amount of petition signatures of 49th Ward residents.

Not in the best interest of our community.

Hugh said...

None of this is Craig's concern. He now openly supports Joe and everything he has done for Rogers Park.

You go, Little Joe!

Chip Bagg said...

Where are you?
Who the hell cares!

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