Sunday, December 19, 2004

"Broken Heart" Posters Disappearing at Alarming Rate

Collecting Posters the lastest trend in Rogers Park...

MorseHellHole Postergoing...MorseHellHole Postergoing...MorseHellHole Poster GONE!
This is what the "Vanishing Poster" looks like.

Not everything gets fixed in a timely manner here in Rogers Park. Most of these frustrating stories would go unnoticed and unattended had they not been brought to everyone's attention. Anyone of us average John or Jane Q. Public citizens, those who live in the city, pay taxes in the city, and have called the city to fix something have been put through the hoops and ringers of City Hall Government to get something fixed.

The leaders pass the buck from one department to the next, one organization to another. Sometimes you feel the problem will never get fixed. This can get very tiring and frustrating!

One thing is for sure, if you see this "Broken Heart" poster, most likely, with-in a day, it will disappear. To test a theory I put one of my posters next to an out-dated September CAPS meeting flier, the CAPS flier stayed. The "Broken Heart" vanished. I did the same again with a defaced CeaseFire bumper sticker. Someone cute cut the "Cease" out of "Ceasefire". That vandalized sticker stayed. The "Broken Heart" was removed. On Howard, I placed one next to a "David Fagus for Committeeman, Campaign Poster."

Yes, I know, the committeeman's race is over, this poster has been up over 10 months, on a vacant storefront, and guess which one vanished? The "Broken Heart" Poster! These posters must be popular?

Since starting this "The Broken Heart of Rogers Park" personal news blog in late November, a few things have gotten quick attention, including yesterdays CTA Bus Bench story. Here are a few results this website news blog has uncovered and corrected.

Monday, November 29, 2004
 Caution-Hanging Light Fixture
Action taken: Fixed same day with confirmation from Sandi Price that this was removed.

Thursday, December 02, 2004
Early Blood Drive at 1340 W. Morse
Action taken: Cleaned up next day, Sandi Price confirmed that job would be taken care of, it was.

Monday, December 06, 2004
SSA #24, Not at Work
Action taken: Box removed from corner the same day.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Union Journeymen Info-Strike at @ 1225 W. Morse Ave.
Action taken: See Huge Cover-up.

Saturday, December 11, 2004
SSA #24-Letting the Human Waste Flow!!!
Action taken: Employee discipline, confirmed by Mark Semon, SSA#19 and #24 Maintenance Manager

Saturday, December 18, 2004
Still a Crime Scene?
Action taken: JCDecaux maintenance crew came out and picked up the glass and pole after I e-mailed the story and photos yesterday. They left the orange cones in place.

At a very small level, somewhat like the Chicago Sun-Times does, breaking city government scandal after city government scandal, county government misdeed after county government misdeed. Once a story with photos and facts hits print or makes news, then leaders take notice and fix them or try.

Then and only then, is action taken, some scapegoat's head rolls, someone gets arrested and convicted on bribery and corruption charges, then, the higher up's hope the story goes away and fast. It's not those highly paid, Internal Investigaters working for the city finding this corruption out, it's the media.

This 11 inch by 17 inch poster is now in hot demand, like shopping for an I-Pod. How could this poster be such a hot item this Holiday Season? People go to great measures to make sure no one else knows about what is going on. Is covering-up the information cycle, the "in" thing?

In the last week, my posters have been coming down as fast as I can put them up! My Posters are becoming a "Collector's Item!"


Anonymous said...

Oh come on, according to the Mayor, the Police...we're supposed to watch our community, fix the problems, and pay those high salaries with our taxes. I wish Daley would put a hefty tax on half pints. Since littering is not against the law in Rogers Park, maybe a tax hike would force the fools to buy big enough bottles so the cops could see. If they slowed down to look that is.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for these putting up! It's amazing to see that our 49th ward community misleaders do notice these posters. A thorn in their side, and it couldn't be deep and painful enough ...

Craig Gernhardt said...

A new batch of Posters will be printed and up by January '05.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, a conspiracy theory!!

That's fun! So that's what all those guys in dark suits and glasses were doing tearing things off the walls - I had wonderd!!!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, a conspiracy theory!!

That's fun! So that's what all those guys in dark suits and glasses were doing tearing things off the walls - I had wondered!!!

'Broken Heart' Past Blogs