Friday, January 14, 2005

Heartland Cafe's "New Parking Plan"

Expermenting with Rear Back-Up Diagonal & Curb Block Parking
Parking and Gangs_21
This was taken Tuesday, 11:30 am, I watched this guy with the phone in his hand. Was he watching the cars and corner for 10 minutes, walking from corner to corner. The van is blocking the stop sign. The blue car behind the white van has it's right, rear wheel on the parked on the sidewalk. Could he be the Heartland Cafe's new valet?

Only when a police car drove west on Lunt and turned south on Glenview did he get on this phone and make a call. Was he calling Michael James to warn him his vendors and Diagonal Parker may get a parking ticket or was it to warn the Open Air Drug Market Salesman on Morse Avenue a police was approaching? One thing for sure, the officer in the car totally missed the cars, illegally parked!


Charlie Didrickson said...

Craig my have officially flipped your wig.

Anonymous said...

Charlie, Craig flipped his wig when he tried to get Harrington elected.

Anonymous said...

Taking photos of businesses that get special treatment parking is not flipping a wig. Plus we got a gang look out in the photo, two for one.

Charlie Didrickson said...

Deliver trucks double parking is down right scandalous!

Puffy down jacket on a Black guy = Drug Dealer?


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