Wednesday, January 12, 2005

SSA #24-Not at Work-Part 3

DevCorp North Supervisors Failed, AGAIN! Outdated fliers still up, a week after the event.
Vacant Window_20
Two weeks ago these Yellow "dated" posters were put up and down Morse Avenue, Clark Street and Howard. Most likely with your tax dollars? Most everyone of these posters were placed on the outside of Boarded Up-Vacant Windows, others were attached outside on active business windows. Some of these businesses that they were placed inside, harbor our Open Air Drug Market Salesman.

A couple of days later, I placed this web sites posters next to these Yellow Posters. My posters came down almost as quick as I put them up. See Removed! Or Gone!

When it comes to removing a posters with a event date of Thursday, January 6th, 2005, DevCorp North supervisors see nothing wrong with leaving them up a extra week, maybe even a month or more?

In the Rogers Park Full Circle Project meeting which this flier was about, many residents asked this same question.

"Why does DevCorp North allow out-dated fliers to be left up on Vacant and Board-Up windows for months at a time?" "This makes the neighborhood look like a slum" said one visionary.
SSA Special
When it comes to having clean windows on property's that supports DevCorp North and the SSA, they go the extra mile!


Anonymous said...

which story below i cant find it you have so many

Anonymous said...

Can this guy come down and clean my windows today?

Anonymous said...

Once again, good job Craig, they are removing these old posters this morning. Don't let the critics stop you.

Anonymous said...

Posted on the DevCorp Website: January 12, 2005
DevCorp North plans for 2005: Staying out of Jail.

Anonymous said...

I did not see any of these fliers this evening either. Wow.

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