Saturday, February 19, 2005

Blowing the Whistle

Hush-Hush on the Missing Noise-Tooters
Where are the noise making devices for Community Activists?

Over two thousand dollars was approved to purchase safety whistles, but this never happened. The whistles never made it to the 24th district. No one knows what happened to the money for whistle program and no one on the DAC seems all that concerned? No one wants to blow the whistle... on the missing whistle money. If the money was paid, we should have the whistles, right?

This committee consists of residents, community leaders, business owners, and other civilians who work to address the crime and public safety issues in the district.

Yet this same group of residents, community leaders, business owners, and other civilians that can't find the missing $2,500 - in safety whistles. Who are all these members of the community that will not speak up on the missing whistles? Why are the DAC members so silent on this whistle-blowing issue?


Toni said...

Could it be another delusion?

Or another attempt to keep the 'perception' of crime quiet?

OH MY...was it be Hush Money?

Toni said...


OH MY...was it Hush Money?

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