Saturday, February 19, 2005

Really Out-Dated CAPS Beat 2431 Fliers

Histroric Meeting Information Posters
Outdated flier_15
This September 2004 CAPS meeting flier is still up, five months later! This still posted flier is located near a business that can't get it's address right. Are they 1443 West Morse or 1341 West Morse? Either way, the flier still hangs near the door.
Outdated flier
This January '05 CAPS Beat 2431 flier still hangs proudly at Glenwood and Morse Avenue. Kevin O'Neil walks by his historic information, every day and every night, as he goes to and from work on The CTA, as their ace reporter for the CTA Tattle Tale. The City of Chicago, Landmark Status Committee must be considering these fliers for landmark protection?

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