Monday, March 28, 2005

* Crime Up 8.2 % in Rogers Park

For the past couple of years Alderman Moore and DevCorp North claimed that crimes down ( fill in the percentage here)... crime is decreasing ( fill in the percentage here) ... crime is just a perception.

For the past couple of years, Kevin O'Neil the civilian, CAPS political puppet for Alderman Moore and DevCorp North called me a troublemaker and most recently called me "the opposition".

For the past month things have been changing for the better, even I notice that, yet the debate continues and work still needs to be done. Yet, our leaders are still finger pointing and making wild claims.

This weekend Channel 5 reported " Morse Avenue will be blanketed and swarmed with Private Security! Who said this wild claim to Channel 5? Swarmed? Blanketed?

Crime and terrorist guru Kimberly Bares blames this all on 9/11, the Sun-Times reports this.

The truth finally came out. It was Osama Bin Ladens fault.

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