Thursday, March 24, 2005

* Protecting the Vacant and Boarded Up Storefronts

DevCorp North's Secret Mission
Don't be fooled by the colvert/overt operation. Don't be fooled by the undercover tactics DevCorp North used in presenting this secret security plan. Tactical Solutions Group is not wanted in Rogers Park, but DevCorp North wants them to protect all their vacant and boarded up storefronts.

Co-chief's of covert/overt operations, commissioners Maryann Carrerro and Katy Hogan unveiled a" band-aid" of a security plan. A plan that would be like a child throwing a handful of sand on the beach, no one is going to notice.

These are not Super Cops. They can't make up their mind if they are going to detain criminals or refrain? They can't tell us what they will be wearing other than a cel phone, bullet proof vests and handguns. Hour of operation? Your guess is as good as mine, no one knows for sure.

Maryann Carrerro said, "this is what we are going to do", even as the community said this is wrong. A United Church of Rogers Park leader spoke up against the plan. A young lady by the name of Danielle Carroll spoke up against this plan. Ms. Carroll said the youth "get harrassed... talked to in a negative tone and don't trust the police in the 24th District. We feel like America's Most Wanted"!

Everyone agrees we need real foot patrol officers on Morse Avenue, not rent a cops. Real foot patrol officers is listed as the number one priority on the Vision meetings DevCorp North is parading to the community. A vision they take money to promote... but don't embrace or follow it's results.

One thing is for sure, DevCorp North uses these phony community meetings to "endlessly give credit to our elected officials." Nothing secret about that. Angela Caputo from Pioneer News Star will have more coverage in next weeks paper.

They even brainwashed Katy Hogan, Angela won't print that.


Charlie Didrickson said...

"Maryann Carrerro said, "this is what we are going to do", even as the community said this is wrong."

I missed the meeting,but heard there were quite a few people there. You mentioned two people spoke out against this. How many spoke out in favor?

Yes Katie told me she has reservations about this plan,but believes it is worth the 3 MONTH TRIAL PERIOD... you forgot to mention that Craig.

Was a poll taken of all that attended? A show of hands?

Extra duty private the end it will cost $$$ Craig.

Your rally cry for years has been FOOT PATROLS you'll get em for a trial period.

I swear if they put 6 full time uniformed officers on the street you would scream for 12.

No perfect solution here, just honest attempts(finally) to address the problems.

I say give it a chance......we can determine the sucess/failure after it is allowed to prove it's self.

Charlie Didrickson said...

He'd not only oppose it.......he would do so with flyers posted all over the neighborhood,including neighbors windshields.


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