Thursday, June 23, 2005

* Alexander Vroutouris, Corruption Buster who got Busted, Not Busting Corruption!

Like Alderman Moore... He Wasn't Doing His Job

The Inspector General's Office was established to detect and prevent misconduct, inefficiency and waste in the programs and operations of the City government. Yet, Mr Vroutouris didn't do much at all. He should have looked into the information provided about DevCorp North. He didn't.

The Inspector General's Office has the duty to investigate allegations of misconduct, waste and inefficiency on the part of City of Chicago employees, agencies, contractors, and programs. Mr. Vroutouris somehow missed DevCorp North and the Special Service Area #19 and 24 misconduct and waste. And why not, he totally missed the huge Hired Truck Scandal.

Now Mr. Vroutouris is gone! Another one bites the dust. Who will be next?

The Inspector General is appointed by the Mayor and subject to the approval of the City Council. Alderman Moore approved of Mr. Vroutouris with his famous rubber stamp. We never heard Alderman Moore get up and give a speech on how his IG office doesn't do it's job. Alderman Moore doesn't care about the taxpayers or really weeding out corruption. Alderman Moore ignores DevCorp North as they waste the taxpayers money and defraud the IRS.

From the Sun-Times:

Turnover in the scandal-plagued Daley administration continued Wednesday, as two more top City Hall figures left their jobs.

Inspector General Alexander Vroustouris was forced to resign. Vroustouris headed internal investigations into city corruption, but he has been trumped by newspaper exposes and federal investigations that have pounded Mayor Daley.

Daley's new chief of staff, Ron Huberman, scolded Vroustouris for what Huberman called slow and sloppy investigations.

From the Tribune:

Wednesday's other lamb was Alexander Vroustouris, the long-appointed mayoral corruption buster who got busted Wednesday for allegedly not busting corruption.

Now, hopefully one of these inspectors will do their job? Stop DevCorp North as the sole service provider for Special Service Area #19 and 24 taxpayer funded fraud. Let them earn their money the old fashioned way. By collecting membership dues, not taxpayer money.

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