Friday, June 17, 2005

* Show Us What We Paid For Harry

Dear State Rep. Osterman:

Last night we had another shooting on Morse Avenue. ( See story below ) You know the street? You have an office there.. remember? Oh, that's right, you are rarely there.

Anyhow, back to the issue. You just spent $250,000 dollars of our taxpayer money to Ceasefire Rogers Park. That's a quarter of a million dollars. Not sure how much was spent last year, I'm guessing the same? Last year I saw the Ceasefire group out AFTER every shooting... at a couple of picnics and a parade. Nice gig for 250,000 grand.

Well, I helped clean Morse Avenue with your Morse Avenue Clean Team last year, volunteering over 20 hours of my time to this project and all I got was a green t-shirt with your name on the back.

I got jipped.

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