Friday, June 17, 2005

* More Gunfire on Morse Avenue

Bullets Were Flying Everywhere

According to a Morse Hellhole reader, a shooting took place last night in the 1100 block of West Morse Avenue around 10 pm.

The building janitor on Morse and Sheridan who didn't want to be idenified said, " The gangs have been hanging around this corner for a few weeks. My older uncle lives in the building and is afraid to go out at night."

A neighbor in the 1100 block of West Lunt heard the shots too.

According to Mythdraug," a man on foot approached a passing car and fired 6 shots. The car drove away. Notice the evidence tent cards just under the front police line banner."

Now that Cease-Fire has secured the pork barrel funding for the Rogers Park C-Fire program from State Rep Osterman, we need a full cast "Circle Prayer".

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