Thursday, June 16, 2005

* Twist & Drink

Roll 1Roll 2Roll 3
Can anyone take a guess... "What just happened here"? This is In the alley just east of 1340 W. Morse Avenue building, just west of the DevCorp North janitors office.

This is the same guy I asked not to piss in nearly the same spot minutes before this photo was taken as I walked my dogs. FYI, Yes, I chewed him out for taking a public leak, but didn't have my camera to take a photo of him urinating and din't want to walk back down to take a photo of the stain.
Now, alley, urinator/joint roller needs to flush it down with a cold or warm, brown bag drink.

Guess what he did with the bag and what was inside the bag when it was empty?


Craig Gernhardt said...

Yes, I know he saw me taking his photo.

.q said...
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Craig Gernhardt said...

Sure would...

.q said...
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