Friday, July 29, 2005

* 6823 N. Lakewood Densification Project

Sunrise 6823
Take a good look at the sunrise peeking from the side of this home. Soon this sunlight will be no more. This house will be torn down for more development. Anatoli Zarkhin from The Building Experts of America Inc. is densifying the neighborhood with Alderman Moore's, Single Family Home-Tear Down Project.

As usual, Alderman Moore's office spent time passing out dozens of advertising fliers. Alderman Moore held an info-mercial meeting to a crowd of 8 and offered his blessing with the now famous quote, "It is my policy to hold a neighborhood meeting for all tear-downs, whether there is a zoning change or not."

1 comment:

Jocelyn said...

I was at the meeting and like I said there- the building they are planning to build at 6823 N. Lakewood is a nice building- and the the Alderman was encouraging the builder not to use cinderblock. At least our Alderman tries to have some level of quality construction- unlike Lakeview where it's cinderblock city where once there were quaint frame homes.

The above home is dilapidated and it is doubtful they could find someone to buy it and rehab it. Architecturally it isn't anything special either.

The block is already very dense and the way I see it, a new building with the required parking will not cause a problem congestion-wise.

I'd love if someone would rehab the building, but the investment would be prohibitive and it's certainly too late now.

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