Friday, July 29, 2005

* Alderman Moore Campaign Uses DevCorp North

Not-For Profit Organization Touts the Alderman's Campaign '03
Here we have three DevCorp North board members on one campaign promo brochure mailed out to thousands of residents in the 60626 zip code. All three are on the Alderman's Zoning committee. These zoning committee members are important, as developers contribute lots of money to the Alderman's campaign. When developers get unfettered up-zoning, plus a infomercial meeting, they get fuller checking accounts. And it sounds nice at these public meetings to claim fair community imput by neighbors in the community on the process of up-zoning.

These are the folks that stroke the fires of politics for Alderman Moore. Using Community Area Policing beat facilitators who work the polls for Alderman Moore during elections. Using the then President of DevCorp North as a campaign manager and a spokesperson for his campaign.

Ask zoning committee member and DevCorp North board member Michael James how he got his businesses zoning changed in 2004 to include entertainment? How did Mr. James do this on the down-low? With the Alderman's help of course. See, until 2004, The Heartland enterprise wasn't zoned for this activity.

How did DevCorp North secure Special Service Area tax #24 with only a couple dozen supporters? This is out of 200 property owners and 600 residents that should have been included? By supporting the Alderman of course.

And let's not forget, the chart in the upper left hand corner shows " Crimes down 42%"!


Craig Gernhardt said...

I never said Cary went to school with Joe, Roger Parker did.

I am working on a story about Cary's mother as the bean-counter (book keeper) for RPCC.

Craig Gernhardt said...

For someone who doesn't know the woman, how do you know Roger Parker ( whoever he or she might be ) is right?

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