Friday, July 29, 2005

* Special Service Area #19 & #24 Scandal

- Wandering Out of Bounds-The Never Ending Story
Out of bounds 2 Out of bounds 1
Friday, July 30, 2005. Sherwin and Sheridan. 9:50am. Two Special Service Area janitors enjoying a sunny stroll along Sheridan Road, on the taxpayers dime and unsupervised of course.

1 comment:

Charlie Didrickson said...


Given that the same folks clean both SSA's

Ever thought that maybe they were just walking between locations?

Private Co's doing Gov work is certainly an idea that could generate some serious debate......

But a scandal.........

I think you need to join me for a cocktail Craig.

You need to get out and enjoy this neighboorhood a bit more.

Come on....Morseland 8:30 tonight?

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