Friday, July 22, 2005

* Sidewalk Sweeper Scandal

Sidewalk Sweeper
Since 2004, Special Service Area #24 taxpayers have forked over $23,390 dollars in expenses for the DevCorp North Sidewalk Sweeper. Costs include insurance, storage and maintenance, plus the motorized sweeper itself. Howard Special Service Area #19 taxpayers get charged also, but figures were not provided by DevCorp North.

Between these two Special Service Areas this sidewalk sweeper has only worked 200 hours. This was documented yesterday upon inspection by the Broken Heart. 204 hours to be exact. That means this motorized sweeper doesn't get used everyday. In fact, the sidewalk sweeper gets used very little. Using the Broken Heart Formula, I calculated the hours used by the cost of all expenses this seldom used equipment actually operates. What I found was the taxpayers are getting the shaft.

It's costing the Special Service Area #24 taxpayers $114.65 an hour for the use of ONE sidewalk sweeper. Where are these independent commissioners the mayor and city council appointed to be the watchdog? Do these commissioners follow orders from above? Or do they actually make these costy and wasteful decisions? They must have zero say in the process? Anyone in their right mind would knows, at the cost of $114 dollars an hour, the sidewalk sweeping machine should sing and dance too.


Craig Gernhardt said...

This cost does not include the operator's expenses. That's a extra special cost to the taxpayers.

Hugh said...

Understand that most of those hours were logged, not actually sweeping streets, but as an expensive golf cart, shuttling around an SSA worker working for food stamps. Recall that our sweeper is stored a taxpayer-paid leased space in Alderman Moore's taxpayer-to-campaign money laundering operation at Rogers Park Auto Repair, Hand Car Wash and Money Laundry in the 6800 block of N Clark, south of both SSAs.

Hugh said...

>It would be different if the tractor was used for personal gain

DevCorp North owns Gateway Mall and the SSA workers are employed by DevCorp North. Gateway Mall has no maintenance staff or equipment other than DevCorp North's. When an SSA worker picks up litter in the Gateway parking lot, or SSA equipment plows Gateway's sidewalks, our property tax dollars have been hijacked for private gain.

The SSA's main purpose is to serve as a tax-payer funded maintenance staff for the mall, it does just enough work elsewhere to provide cover.

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