Wednesday, September 7, 2005

* "bleeding like mad - school kid"

Puddles of School Kid Blood-Exclusive Photo
Another group fight took place Tuesday, September 6th, 2005 at 4 pm in the 1300 block of west Lunt Avenue. I heard it through the courtyard of our condo complex. We hear kids playing, but not yelling and screaming. Screaming never happened before. So I let the noise go. After a minute or two, I couldn't let it go anymore. I went outside to check it out. I know, I was warned not to. I just can't help it. 911 was called.

Let me tell you what I saw. On one side of the fight we have a group of Chicago Math & Science school kids. Boys and girls. Seven to ten of them. All nice white or yellow uniforms. Except one. I'll get back to that later. The other side, three, white t-shirt thug kids. That's right, our thug boys, the ones that flash goofy gang signals at each other and their brother. From the sign we were flashed, no one even knew what gang. I'll get back to that later.

Anyway, the gang thug kids got the best of one of the school kids. When I got out front in the heat of the action, the
" bleeding like mad - school kid" was heading east down Lunt street, dripping massive amounts of blood. From what I could tell, the older school kids came to the younger school kids rescue, and overwhelmed the three unknown gang thug kids, forcing the three to retreat west on Lunt. That's when we got the gang sign from them, while they were walking away.

Let me fill in the blanks. The police arrived, three cars in all, one marked, two un-marked. No kids wanted to press charges, no arrests were made. Heck, they were just kids, of course they weren't going to say anything. Where have we heard this before?

The older school kid told me the gang signal we received "was not a GD signal", but some off-shoot gang signal. A wanna be gang sign.

Once again, I got into a slight debate with two of the police officers. All I asked was for them to round up the kids, ask why they were fighting, they didn't do this. It's not like the victim would be hard to find. He was beaten to a bloody pulp. The trail of red school kid blood was easy to follow. ( It wasn't so easy to clean up.)

Our reader Renee was witness to this also, she may want to shed her version soon enough. The younger Chicago Math and Science school kid is going to have some explaining to do to his parents. Explaining to his parents why his uniform is covered in blood and his face was bloody beaten to a pulp. Stuff they don't teach in school.


Knightridge Overlook said...
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Knightridge Overlook said...
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Jocelyn said...

There was blood on the street at Morse near Lakewood last night when a 94 year old man was hit by a speeding car while crossing the street and killed. Tragic. I put a call in to the Alderman's office to request a stop sign at that corner. If they aren't responsive, I'll be bringing this up to the community at large.

Pamela said...

It is my experience that RP police don't like charging children with much of anything. Several years ago a child set fire to our front yard and if not for the kindness of strangers our house would have gone up in flames (we lost a bush and part of our fence). The police talked me out of pressing charges. Never again. If parents won't teach children boundaries and appropriate behaviors then the rest of the community must step in and teach children that there are ramifications to their behaviors --both good and bad.

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