Friday, September 30, 2005

* Out of Control Car on Morse Avenue

Craigs Photos 002
Today at 1:20pm a car went out of control and rammed down a bus zone sign. The driver wedging the car between a parked car and tree, just feet from the bus stop on Lakewood and Morse. The driver was to have said to have a seizure causing this accident. This happened accross the street from the 1250 W. Morse Avenue Senior building. Right near the spot Mr. Choi was killed by the speeding car of Lawrence Williams Jr on September 6th.


Michael K said...

I hope the driver is OK. I witnessed a car run off the road on Sheridan that hit the now closed Mulligan's a few weeks ago. Tha t person appeared to be completely tanked.

Jocelyn said...

We live around the corner from this and my sig other was home. He heard from someone at the scene that the woman had a seizure so it wasn't another reckless driver thankfully. She was okay and no one was hurt- a parked cadillac was hit and damaged but the tree escaped unscathed.

I have to say this is a bizarre coincidence and my inital response was, "Holy Stop Sign Batman!"

BTW- I've got 85 signatures for my stop sign petition-thanks to those who signed- AND the petition is now at the senior building where they had it translated into Russian and Korean for the seniors there. I'll be giving it to the Alderman next week folks :)

Jocelyn Meyer

Hugh said...

Maybe a senior housing + nightclub district on Morse is not such a good idea.

Unknown said...

What nightclub district? Is Morseland the "nightclub district" or are there others on Morse I'm not aware of? Hugh - is it you or me that needs to get out more often? What does that have to do with someone having a seizure in the middle of the day anyway?

But I would love to see better traffic enforcement in general - people are always running stop signs. And the hole filled up. Also, enforcement of the no bike riding on the sidewalk signs on Sheridan road, which practice causes are real danger to the many seniors (among others) who still love to take their daily walk.

Oh, and while we are making our wish list for the next CAPS meeting, could we also enforce some of the laws about selling illegal substances, weapons and human bodies in public places? Well, I can dream, can't I?

Jocelyn said...

I heard he was going 35-45MPH. I believe the speed LIMIT is 30 on city streets but we are supposed to USE OUR HEADS. There was a sign for seniors there and he lives on Lunt- he should have known the area. He was reckless period. Many seniors can't walk that fast and yes, Mr. Choi was jaywalking, but the pedestrian always has the right of way. I can't believe some people want to defend this jerk driving on a suspended license with no insurance. And I saw him and he looked cranked up.

A stop sign is essesntial there for the seniors and others to cross and I have the 300 signatures to get it done stat!

West of Glenwood what do you have? Stop sign at Greenview, stop light at Ashland, and stop sign at Paulina followed by a stop light at Clark. Going east (with just as much if not more pedestrian traffic) you have nothing at Wayne nor Lakewood. A Stop sign there will deter speeding in this area.

I'm sorry, but I just can't believe how much people are willing to excuse recklessness. If it's because you yourselves are reckless- I suggest respectfully that you mend ways or you might be the one hitting someone someday and regret it.

Unknown said...

Thanks for taking this initiative Jocelyn.

I agree with the enforcement argument, but the stop sign's a good idea too (especially since traffic enforcement doesn't seem to be a high priority with the police). That red blotch in their blurry field of vision might help to deter the reckless a bit...

Wouldn't it be great to get speed bumps, or corner bump outs or some other kind of physical speed deterrent next to the senior housing and the schools on Morse too wide for that to work?

I can dream, can't I?

Jocelyn said...

because there are buses(155 Devon & Lunt)- speed bumps aren't allowed but a Stop Sign should help.

Can you tell I feel strongly about safe driving? Every day I walk to work (I work in RP) and pass the old Gale School and watch jerk offs speed (over 20, which is what they are supposed to go by a school) at 35 etc...past the kids trying to get to school. It really infuriates me. What are we as a society if we don't look out for our elderly and children?

Slow down people!

I am bound and determined to have a positive impact on my little corner of the world. Next I am going to form a block club on Lakewood. I think every street should have a block club.

Thanks nico's mom

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