Saturday, November 12, 2005

*-> Lies and Half-Truths From Kevin Cosgrove

{ Start drum roll please. Note to readers: Use your Monster Truck Commercial Announcer voice }
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages. You are in for a treat.

Who says no-one reads the Hell Hole? November is the "Broken Heart" of Rogers Park's First Anniversary.
{Cheer's from the crowd as Red, white and blue balloons fall from ceiling}

Don't let the blood pressure rise too high. Sit back and enjoy. We have some raw, nearly un-edited wording (only two words) from the main puppet of them all. Alderman Moore's GO-TO-GUY. The highest paid man on Alderman Moore's staff. In his off time he can be found sitting in the Heartland Cafe as the Legal Notarizer for the 49th Ward Democratic committee, headed by David Fagus.

{ Read slow - then pick up speed at the end for climax effect, still using the monster truck announcer voice. Repeat a couple of times until you get it right }
He's Chief of Staff in the 49th Ward of the City of Chicago - Mr. Kevin Cosgrove!!! {Wild applause}

I tend to avoid this blog site due to the multitude of lies and half-truths I usually find, and the impact that it has on my blood pressure. I fell compelled, however, to respond to the posting by Margo Hackett.

I never issued a blanket statement that "more condos and less rental housing was a good thing."

During the course of a twenty minute conversation in which I mentioned personally being a 16+ year renter in the 49th Ward, and pointed to numerous things the Alderman's Office has done to preserve and improve the rental stock in the community, I said that in some situations condo conversions could be beneficial to portions of the neighborhood. I stand by that statement. We need to view things with a general guiding principal, but be ready to look at proposals/projects on a case-by-case basis.

We did talk about Tax Credits, but the building I referenced was the former Van Dorn Building at the northeast corner of Sheridan and Rogers -- Margot's notes must have gotten jumbled on that one (come to think of it, I don't think she took any?). The Van Dorn suffered from years of little or no maintenance. It also served as a focal point for much of the crime in that area (before some of you get up in arms, there were many good people living there as well). I worked closely with the new owners to secure Class 9 monies to rehab the building in exchange for renting to individuals with below-median incomes. The change at that premises is amazing.

The Northpoint (very plural Margot) buildings were indeed part of our conversation. I mentioned the Alderman and I lobbying banks to invest millions of dollars to rehab and preserve that important rental housing in the 49th Ward. We also worked to make sure management was involved with Community Policing, and that they properly screen tenants.

In all fairness to Margot, I did mention issues with Fran Tobin. Fran and I have had our differences over the years. In all fairness to me, she should have mentioned that I was very complimentary of Fran and RPCAN and the many things they have and continue to accomplish in our community.

This morning (Saturday) I'll be attending the Rogers Park Section 8 Tenant's Council Meeting. I didn't call to find out, but am guessing that Fran will be in attendance -- yet I still plan to attend -- hmmmm.

I told Margot that I thought she and her fellow renters were in good hands with Fran and Mr. Bernstein, and I thought, gave her some good advice about the current situation in her building.

It's ludicrous at best to imply that the Alderman and I are unwilling to "reach out" and work with individual tenants. Those of you who call the Ward Office know that I do return calls and am willing to meet with people, sometimes even without an appointment (as was the case with Margot)!

Unfortunately it's not possible to attend every community meeting. Lots of meetings go with the job -- I'm fine with that (I have three tommorow), but the Alderman and his staff need some time for personal lives. I asked Margot to keep me posted on any new developments and very clearly offered to call the developer to apply pressure if it might prove helpful. I guess I thought that was reaching out?

Margot didn't ask me for "resources from our level to help." She asked for a listing of all Tax Credit, CPAN, LIHTC, etc. housing in the Ward and of everything we've done to preserve rental housing -- affordable and market rate -- in the community. Ubnfortunately I don't have such a list. It's a lot of data, and comes from various sources.

I also read her request as asking for a broad position paper from the Alderman on these topics, and promised to relay her request to him -- which I did. It is important that people understand Aldermanic Offices don't have major control over the vast majority of condominium conversions in the City of Chicago.

Pleae allow me to state very clearly, "the Alderman and I are more than willing to work with tenants on an individual or group basis." I thought that was precisely what I was doing with Ms. Hackett? We keep the office open until 700pm on Wednesdays to allow people time to get back to the neighborhood from work, and the office is open for 45 hours each week. The Alderman and his staff also host and attend many weeknight community meetings that begin after 700pm.

Let me apologize in advance as I'm certain that my rather long posting will generate further postings/attacks, but I don't plan on posting further. I felt Margot's posting deserved follow-up, but really don't like to use this blog as a personal forum -- I feel that doing so lends legitimacy to some of the more outrageous things that are posted.

As always, I can be reached at the Alderman's Office (773/338-5796).

Kevin Cosgrove
49th Ward Chief of Staff

Blogmaster notes. How about that. Kevin Cosgrove made the Hell Hole folks. Good ole Kevin's "goin' be famous", as one of his fellow 49th ward democratic party members said once before.

So, it's the end of this portion of the show. Now the fun part begins with the comments that can be made about the lies and half truths from Kevin Cosgrove. But be warned. For the real over the top... suck up to the Alderman and his staff comments... comments we will no doubt get from the like's of Charlie D. and Michael C. or K. Those comments will be deleted from now on. Save those suck up comments for your own website guys. This is the Hell Hole. Meunderstand on the other hand, you can leave your suck up to the Alderman comments all you want. I will allow it.


Michael K said...

>For the real over the top... suck up to the Alderman and his staff comments... comments we will no doubt get from the like's of Charlie D. and Michael C. or K. Those comments will be deleted from now on.

Didn't you take another blogger to task recently for censoring comments? What a joke.

Charlie Didrickson said...


Craig Gernhardt said...

I'm talking about those comments that go like this...

"Oh Kevin, thanks for coming to the rescue here. It's so great you stand up to this bully named Craig.... You are my hero for telling us, truth, justice and the american way is alive and well in Alderman Moore's office! Thanks for saving the all those Duckie wuckies and the goosie woocees from being cooked'"

Those type of comments. Those you guys can post on your own site.

Michael K said...


If you'll review my past comments, you'll find that I have never been a cheerleader for the alderman. I have only ever said that I have had positive experiences with the folks in his office. If you're mad at me for taking you and others to task for posting innuendo and paranoid conspiracy theories to furhter your own agenda, fine. Don't go trying to tie me in with the alderman's office to try and demonize me like you do everything else. I think you would be much better served by taking me on point for point.

Pamela said...

Oh Craig, don't remove cheerleading posts by anyone. They are truly most hilarious and terrific for comic relief. Besides, when everyone else in the world is censoring and spinning and controlling the discussion, you let it rip -- no matter where it goes. That, my friend, is what is ultimately offensive to those in power. Free discussion by those on all sides. Quack Quack.

Hugh said...

Dear Mr. Cosgrove,

Welcome and thank you for participating in the "Broken Heart."

Many of us are here to share information and learn from each other. It's exciting to have you here because I'm sure you have many interesting facts you could share.

What can you tell us about the demolition of the Wisdom Bridge Theater on Howard Street? Have you set a date?

The Wisdom Bridge Theater has a special place in my heart. Bob Falls' direction of Aidan Quinn, Lisa Dobson, and Del Close and in Hamlet changed my life.

Between the Granada and the Adelphi and the Wisdom Bridge, it's very dangerous to be a theater in Rogers Park, and between the Wisdom Bridge and the Curious and the Raven, being a theater company is no bargain either!

Thanks again. We look forward to your reply.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Alderman Moore in an email said .....>"The old adage that "a little bit of knowledge is very dangerous" applies to Mr. (Hugh) Devlin."

Mr. Cosgrove, Your boss called Hugh very dangerous. Please explain.

Jocelyn said...

I hadn't heard about Wisdom Bridge- how sad. Hugh- I saw that performance in high school ( I went to SSA) and it was awesome- I still remember it all these years later.

It doesn't seem untoward that Margot could have misinterpreted a few things and Kevin responded- I am glad he did. I'd like to hear responses from them about alot of things brought up here. I give them the benefit of the doubt that they are too busy doing their jobs to monitor this blog that closely and respond.

I can see how their blood pressure would pop a bit- I mean- Craig and all- we are making work for them here putting an onus on them to respond and I know you never slander anyone- but there's something to be said for innuendo and just planting the seed of ideas in people's heads. That aside, everyone should use their best judgement as to what is true and think for themselves, which of course we all do.

Pamela said...

The Alderman's office is reading this blog whether they are busy or not. They read all criticisms about themselves. ;-) With some websites the host can track isp traffic and have a sense who has visited (companies, governments, etc. tend to have very identifiable isps). If Craig were terribly curious I imagine he could see just who is hanging at the Morse Hell Hole.

As for their response to anything -- it's certainly welcome. But what is not welcome, and what they fail to get, is that they shouldn't be dissing the critic just because they don't like the criticism. As PUBLIC SERVANTS paid by US it is part and parcel of the position to take our crap (in my job I take crap from customers and others, whether I like it or not, because they pay my salary). Unfortunately the Alderman's office responds to all criticism, reasonable or otherwise, by dissing the critic. I have found that by taking the high road with customers and others that it tends to pay off. In other words, when I am polite and respectful, even of a raving lunatic with crazy complaints, that it deflects the hysteria and causes the crazy person to 1) calm down; 2) view me and my company with respect; 3) listen/work with me to solve the problem.

Our Alderman and many who surround him have in the past taken an arrogant attitude toward critical residents that borders on nasty. So, Alderman Moore's office and hangers on, here's the deal: we pay your salary, we get to bitch and moan, and you, if you want to keep your jobs, will take it with good cheer provided it's nothing harsher than words. You will listen to our complaints, and when you respond, respond with respect and take YOUR emotion out of it because it's not about you. It's about us and our frustrations. We (for the most part) don't have animosity against any of you personally. We want you to acknowledge our frustration, not pander to us or refute our complaints. If we complain about crime, don't talk to us about the decreases in crime. If we see or are victim of crime, stats not all that meaningful. One might posit that if your office (and hangers on such as Mr. Fagus) had taken this view toward criticisms Morse Hell Hole wouldn't even exist or if it did, traffic would be very low. Morse Hell Hole exists because your nasty 'tude toward those of us who have complained has driven us right into Craig's virtual arms, whether we agree with him or not on all points. Some of us just take glee in seeing you trashed, rightly or wrongly, for your trashing of residents with complaints in the past. Turnabout is fair play.

Kevin, your response to Margot's post was interesting and valuable. Your mistake was in insulting the host and those of us who post on your way in and out the door. Take away the dissing sentences and I, for one, would have had a whole new respect for the Alderman's office. Unfortunately those few sentences give your entire post a less noble context where you seem more interested in looking good/defending yourself than in really working with tenants. What do you want to do? Make yourself look good and righteous or help Margot and her fellow tenants out? Tending to the latter will resolve the former far more than defensive posts to morsehellhole that dis the host and other posters.

Jocelyn said...

Pamela- I totally agree with what you said. I didn't mean they never read the blogs- just that composing thoughtful and complete responses to the volume of posts here might be a bit much for them to keep up with.

I too am troubled by the tone the Alderman's office takes with people I see as concerned citizens (towards Hugh and Craig in particular). Their approach seems to be retaliatory i.e. "let's publicly humiliate them back since that's what they are doing to us." And you know what? You're so right it's not all about them- it's about the community. And even if they don't like what certain folks say, they should bear in mind these people live here or at least in Rogers Park, donate much of their own time with no pay to work on community issues. The Alderman and his staff get paid to do their jobs- these folks don't. Maybe the Alderman's office could show some humility? No, probably not as that's not their approach at all- in this situation anyway.

It's amazing to me that the Alderman's office continues to let people push their buttons and does not realize there are so many other ways they could respond that would reflect better on them and make them look better, which I would think is a concern being in politics.

Sinking to the level of an eye for an eye and dismissing intelligent people as crackpots doesn't sit well with me. The tactics I have witnessed the Alderman and his staff use are as follows: bullying, intimidation, public humiliation, dismissing someone as crazy, etc...

Reacting the way they do just gives the detracters more power doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Pamela and RPneighbor - thanks for these comments. I couldn't agree more. They are blowing it, and it would be so easy for them not to blow it - the arrogance and hubris they indulge in is tantamount to political suicide in my book. It's hard to understand why they don't have a more disciplined attitude.

Craig - please don't censor comments because you don't agree with them - the fact that you let people say what's on their minds is one of the strongest aspects of this site.

Hugh said...

Thanks to the "Broken Heart" for helping Alderman Moore and his staff better understand their responsibilities!

Michael K said...

>Thanks to the "Broken Heart" for helping Alderman Moore and his staff better understand their responsibilities!

Now who's a cheerleader. Sheesh!

I think Margot and the folks in her building might have had a little to do with this.

By the way, good for you Margot! I am happy to hear that you felt your voice was heard. With all the bad news around here, it's nice to hear something good now and then.

Michael K said...

I've been meaning to try my hand at taking things out of context so here goes...

Sick Nicki said, "you're right. hugh's wrong."

Thanks Nicki! ;p

Hugh said...

Margot wrote...

>Paul Bernstein ... a tenants rights lawyer ... has offered us a flat rate for representation of all the tenants interested of $1000.

Mr. Cosgrove wrote...

>I told Margot that I thought she and her fellow renters were in good hands with Fran and Mr. Bernstein

Margot, you hurt Kevin's feelings. How was he supposed to feel after he found out the lawyer was getting a grand and you had nothing for him or his boss? You should have at least been willing to match the developer.

Hugh said...

there's plenty of places you can go if you prefer things left unsaid, this is the hellhole

Hugh said...

The Near Future

Rental apartments are being converted

1. to luxury condos
2. to Section 8 buildings

And even some section 8 buildings go condo. The condo developers and the Section 8 tychoons make their money. Meanwhile new rental units are not getting built. If current trends continue within a few years we will have 2 housing options,

1. luxury condo
2. Section 8 apt

lafew said...

Hopefully, Kevin's posts will improve with age. Hopefully, the blog will become more tolerant with age, as well. Sometimes, objectivity can have its detractors, as well.

Yes, Cosgrove could have been a little more civil, but what about the rest of us? Is it not slightly condescending to take the holier than thou, route? I suppose occasionally, we can fling a bit more when it is deserved. However, when the critique gets too thick, it tends to stink a little more than necessary.

Hugh said...

Thanks for the link. I checked it out.

Can you please be more specific about where you got the 687 and the 18,000?

Hugh said...

Thanks for the link. I checked it out. I read the letter from Moore. Are you now saying you got the numbers 687 and 18,000 from Toni's blog, not from

Hugh said...

Thanks for following up on this. Can you please tell me more precisely where on CHAC's web site you found the 687 and th 18,000? I looked and I couldn't find it. Thanks again.

'Broken Heart' Past Blogs