Tuesday, January 10, 2006

* Ashland Viking Nation Gang Sign on Tree Removed

Hi Craig:

We have inspected the tree at 1431 West Lunt and here is how we are going to have to address this issue. This is the result the top people in our Bureau of Forestry having discussed this specific issue with our top Graffiti Blaster people. The first solution will be temporary and the follow-up permanent. Both will prove safe to the tree.

Our graffiti blaster equipment operates differently in winter than it does during the rest of the year. Until there is no chance for freezing temperatures over an extended number of days, we can't mix in water with the baking soda base that we use to blast away graffiti. It will be safe to use the water/baking soda mix on this tree but we can't touch it until spring as we do not want to attempt a blast with baking soda alone.

We also do not want to leave graffiti up on that tree marking that territory for that gang.

Our Bureau of Forestry has recommended that Graffiti Blasters use a water based paint to lightly paint over the graffiti on that tree. This is temporary and will not harm the tree. This will all be removed when we return in spring to do a follow up baking soda & water blast on the tree. This also will not harm the tree.

The Bureau of Forestry is keeping in communication with Graffiti Blasters about this tree and will continue to assist. They have been advising and will most likely accompany Graffiti Blasters when are eventually able to get to the tree. I will not be able to provide you with an exact date and time as to when they'll do it, but I am pushing for sooner than later. They know the importance of this tree and will try to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

Thanks again for bringing this issue to our attention.

-Matt Smith
Chicago Department of Streets and Sanitation


Unknown said...

Thanks Craig.

Craig Gernhardt said...

At this point in the blogs life, I'm going to leave most all comments up from now on. Even this phony joe moore.

Call each other anything you want, the more colorful and entertaining the better. Please try and be creative and less foul. Thank (Fuck) You very Much.

Craig Gernhardt said...

One point to this blog post. I expected this quick service and am very thankful to the city officials downtown for understanding the importance of removing gang territory markings before they spread any further.

Great job. Thank you to the Bureau of Forestry and Graffiti Blaster people.

One tree at a time.

Toto said...

Trees--with apologies to Joyce Kilmer

I think that I will never see
as much self-congratulations about a tree.

Some gang graffiti caused distress
Craig posted e-mail to impress

While his close circle may shout hurrah,
Gangs will return another day.

While Craig sits in the computer chair,
And spends the day fuming how unfair.

Blaming as many people as he can;
for a deeds the DevCorp had no hand

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only Streets and San can clean a tree

'Broken Heart' Past Blogs