Thursday, January 19, 2006

* Hell Hole Has Exclusive Rare TIF Flier

Found Posted A Day After The Meeting

Others are finally seeing what I have been telling them for... OOOh sooo looong.

It's not just the Morse Hell Hole blog anymore. Now other bloggers a pounding away at Alderman Moore and DevCorp North. The Morse Ave is Great Blog hasn't weighed in on any matter since Thanksgiving, but the Pro-Moore bloggers The Morose Hell Hole and The Howard Watchers Blog are blasting away, sending e-letters to the Alderman's office... demanding change in policy.

Alderman Moore and DevCorp North are not doing what we pay them to do. In this case, it's not getting information to the residents. Keeping the neighbors in the dark sort of speak.

Residents and bloggers are asking "Where's the Loyola TIF Flier"?

Some call it deliberate. Some call it an oversight. RPCAN told the Hell Hole the Alderman's office e-mailed the form to the group. In the email telling them if they wanted the fliers passed out, they had to print them and do it themselves.

When Gary Fuschi called, he was given the wrong location for the meeting, 5400 N. Kenmore.

Blog Attorney Thomas Westgard, a good friend of Alderman Joe Moore was equally mad at not getting proper notice to the TIF meeting. Still fuming from trying to attend a 49th ward young democrats meeting, getting to the meeting place only to find the meeting was not taking place at the time and location he read on the 49th ward committeeman blog. Westgard fired off a "Official letter to Dear Joe."

So as requested, here is the official flier to the TIF meeting on January 17th at 7pm. The location of the meeting is 6400 N. Kenmore. Sorry for the late notice.

Blogmaster notes: This is blog number 500. I know, some of you readers commented about not wanting anymore flier blogging stories, but this was requested.

For our new readers, feel free to go back and read the 499 other blogs. It should only take, about 48 hours, give or take a few hours. Over 100 hours if you read all the vile and nasty comments. A dozen or so blogs are about Alderman Moore and his selective flier placement.... flier stealing... Illegal flier postings on city poles and fliers littering the ground. When it comes to fliering or not fliering, Alderman Moore is the best or worst, you decide~


Knightridge Overlook said...
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gf said...


thanx for the link and your support.

i'm wondering if your sentence was constructed badly or did you mean to suggest that the 24/7 howardwatchers blog is pro moore supportive.
"but the pro moore bloggers the morose hellhole and the howard watchers blog are blasting away.."

i realize that politics often make strange bedfellows, but this might be stretching that theory a little.
speaking for myself and as joe likes to say "i have no horse in the race".

could you clarify this please?

Unknown said...

Why is this an issue? It is easy to compile an mailing list from emails received by JM or DevCorps offices, and easy to send a push email to everyone on the list the week before the meeting. It's a simple clerical task - unless you want to control who gets to know and who doesn't.

There is just no excuse.

Hugh said...

Congrats on 500 posts!

500 more!

Hugh said...

Congrats, Craig!

You're a father, AGAIN!

Another spin-off tribute blog:

Just The Facts, Maam: Debunking myths and correcting lies spread on other Rogers Park attack blogs

The circle is complete: the CTA Tattler helped inspire the Morse Hell Hole, and now the Morse Hell Hole inspires the Just The Facts Ma'am blog.

No one has done more to stimulate dialog in Rogers Park than Craig.

'Broken Heart' Past Blogs