Saturday, January 28, 2006

* One Uses Water - One Doesn't

Exclusive Photograph Shows 1620 West Estes Uses Water During Demolition

Alderman Moore,

I would like to thank you and Mr. Land for allowing Julie Segraves, reporter for the ChiTownDailyNews and I, the the opportunity to view the asbestos abatement documents that are on file at your office.

In the course of our review, I mentioned to Mr. Land that we had visited the Adelphi Theater demolition site just prior to our meeting. The inspection revealed the fact that despite the mid 40 degree temperature, Delta Demolition had yet to make arrangements to"wet down" the site to prevent excess dust according to Chicago EPA guidelines. The continued demolition yesterday resulted in dust in the air and on the surrounding homes and vehicles.

As you can see from the photograph, this claim is not exaggerated.

Mr. Land indicated to me that there were concerns regarding runoff water freezing overnight once the temperature dipped below freezing. When pressed on the daytime temperature threshold that this issue would no longer be a concern, Mr. Land could not provide an answer and our conversation ended at that point.

In all due respect to Mr. Land, Chicago EPA guidelines are clear and supersede all concerns in their jurisdiction. The Chicago EPA rule states that demolition sites must be "wetted down" once the temperature is above 32 degrees. As few, if any demolition projects take place during evening hours, the rules are in place so that daytime temperatures are the deciding factor.

Mr. Land and Delta Demolition have, in my belief, misunderstood the intent of the law that governs this issue. As a result of this continued misunderstanding, neighbors and property in the immediate vicinity are again being exposed to excessive dust and possible health concerns.

This condition is unacceptable as I am sure you will agree. By allowing this condition to persist, the community is left with the mistaken impression that your office accepts the fact that Delta Demolition is diregarding the law. As I'm sure this is not the case, I and all concerned residents urge to take action to rectify this matter. If there needs to be a clarification regarding the EPA rule and intent, we should arrange to have an EPA inspector meet us at the site. If arrangements need to be made to provide the demolition company access to needed water, I believe those arrangements need to be made. There is a fire hydrant on the southeast corner which can be utilized for this purpose.

Additionaly, I am anxious to receive updates from the inspections conducted last week as you promised. Please advise me of the status of those reports.

I am posting this letter and as always would appreciate a response that I can share with the community. Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this important issue.


Gary Fuschi

Blogmaster notes: Also posted on the 24/7 Howard Watchers Blog, minus the exclusive photo of 1620 West Estes actually following a rule during demolition. Nice touch huh? A good with the bad story.


Charlie Didrickson said...

Good letter Gary. Thanks for showing how it's done.....

Unknown said...

Excellent job Gary.

FYI - Don Gordon is part of the leadership at The Rogers Park Conservancy, This is the first I've heard that he plans to "campaign" for anything other than preserving the lakefront. Care to fill the rest of us in?

gf said...


my thanks for the use of your pic on 24/7, for the simulblog cast and your commitment to our neighborhood. this blog always manages to keep issues that are important to us all on the front burner.

Knightridge Overlook said...
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gf said...

adelphi citizens-

glad to help my neighbors.

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