Saturday, January 21, 2006

* Open Letter to Alderman Moore

Exclusive Photo of Dust In The Wind

Alderman Moore,

As I'm sure you know, the demolition of the Adelphi Theater building began yesterday. My disapointment regarding the destruction of this architecturally significant building aside, there have been numerous complaints and concerns registered from residents living in the vicinity of the building. The complaints range from nausea, an inability to sleep and excessive dust from the worksite.

Considering the age of the building and the many renovations the building has undergone during it's lifetime, I think a reasonable assumption can be made that the building might contain asbestos or other toxic chemicals. And considering the open air method by which this building is being demolished, the possibility that those chemicals are now being released into the atmosphere are a real possibility. This could be a potentially dangerous condition especially for children and people with respiratory health issues.

Has an environmental analysis been done by the Department of Buildings prior to the issuance of the demolition permit?

I think this issue needs your immediate attention and I and everyone in the vicinity would appreciate your immediate response. Please respond in a letter that I can post so that your constituents can be assured of your concern. Thank You.

Gary Fuschi


Craig Gernhardt said...

Gary's letter to the Alderman mentioned.....>" Has an environmental analysis been done by the Department of Buildings prior to the issuance of the demolition permit?"

As one commenter pointed out, he didn't even see a permit posted Gary. Nor did I.

gf said...


a permit should be prominently displayed SOMEWHERE, at all times. that is the law. if it's not on the inside glass of the front door, you might want to check with the crane operator.

thanx for the linkup- your'e a gem!

Craig Gernhardt said...

We all need to thank Gary for crafting this local environmental and safety issue letter to our current Alderman.

I know a few of you out there are going to say Gary and I are scaring the be-geevies out of the citizens, we are blowing this way out of context. As we all know in Rogers Park, it doesn't rank as high as the ban of foie gras in Chicago, but it does need official attention.

So, Thank you Gary, we all can breathe easy knowing the 24/7 Howard Watchers are doing their job.

gf said...


the intention is not to create hysteria and it is certainly not a political stunt, from my perspective. this is simply a reasonable precaution that should be taken when people experience the symptoms that have been described.

glad to help.

Charlie Didrickson said...

Ummm Bob,

u said that: Look at what happened to Pivot Point. The entire structure was torn down and now there sits a half completed project (the investors ran out of funding). The Pivot Point building should have been partially converted to condos and the business and structure should have been allowed to stay.

That is still the same building and they are converting it to condos and there is street side retail.....they did not run out of $ They blew it thinking they could build 16 (er sumthin) condo units when in fact it only allows for 10 I think.

I believe they are looking for a variance to add the other units legally.

Are we talkin about the same building?

Charlie Didrickson said...

PS Bob,

Where is that big parting BOMB you are dropping on us?

I can't wait to hear.

Hugh said...

Alderman Moore,

Any comment on the ethical crisis currently wracking Congress?

Hugh said...

> a permit should be prominently displayed SOMEWHERE, at all times. that is the law.

They have a demo permit. It needs to be displayed.

Permit Status

Application Status



Total Records: 2

Discipline Status

The owners of this address received a permit on 01/09/06

gf said...

I wrote the letter, posted it and craig reprinted it so people who share this concern can voice their opinion to the alderman by commenting. so far, I don't think he believes we are concerned.

bob k brought up an interesting point I would like to pursue further. maybe we can do it at another time on a different post. i'll give us that opportunity tomorrow, deal?

gf said...

thanx sally. the alderman responded via email this afternoon. the issue will be investigated on monday.

killcat- i'm not sure anyone is claiming asbestos as the cause of the reactions people are experiencing. there are other toxins that could cause reactions too, like mold for instance. considering that building has had serious water issues for years, that would not be unusual.

all anyone is asking for is a reasonable expectation that their health is being considered when work like this takes place. i don't think that's too much to ask, do you?

gf said...


firstly, the letter was written by me, not craig. It was written in a non accusatory, non paranoid manner so that it would be considered seriously by the alderman.please get your facts straight before you post here and accuse anyone here of being a reactionary. the words "might" and "possibility" are used to suggest an unknown. "automaically assume" is your misinterprtation. reading is a skill.

secondly, no one here is bowing down in tribute to the craig god. we are only trying to help some of our neighbors who are having difficulties.

thirdly, if god forbid, someone in your family was nauseated from this demolition, i doubt you would be posting such callous comments.

gf said...


you simply don't get and you apparently won't, unless you or someone you knew were sickened by the dust. when it relates to health conditions that people are experiencing that is potentially harmful and beyond their control, they are understandably afraid and should be allowed to express that fear.

the letter, this blog and howardwatchers blog are giving neighbors the opportunity to express that concern and the alderman the opportunity to allay their fears.

the letter DID NOT ACCUSE ANYONE OF ANYTHING. enough with the symantics already.

if our blogs did nothing about this issue, there would be a firestorm over that.

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