Friday, February 10, 2006

* Smiling Alderman Moore Promotes Tagging?

We all see it. But do we really see it? The gang graffiti under Alderman Moore's left arm. If Alderman Moore wasn't smiling so wide and playing pocket pool, you may notice it better. Right there on the post. Plain as day.

I've featured many versions of gang graffiti on the Hell Hole, from the AVN's, to the GD's back to DevCorp North. But until Michael on Fargo pointed it out on his blog, this one tagging on the Alderman's own website has gone un-noticed for all these many years. Does it have a secret meaning?

Now that it's been un-covered by the bloggers will the real truth come out on the meaning of it all? Still, many questions remain.

Why did Alderman Moore pose with this tag? Alderman Moore, what's this tag mean? Is this what gang you run with? And why has this been on your site for all these years?

Maybe Just the Facts Ma'am has all the answers? I'll go check her website and see.


Hugh said...

> Alderman Moore, what's this tag mean?
> Is this what gang you run with?

Magnifying and enhancing the image reveals the tag to be a highly-stylized grouping of 4 script letters, and I believe Moore IS trying to subtly communicate his gang affiliation to those in the know:


Jocelyn said...

Why is everyone coming down on Carol so badly? I hope I never face your ire :)

This is Hil-arious...priceless.
I never noticed that but I am sure the photographer did right? I mean isn't that their job? Maybe they were going for the gritty city look for the photo.

Pamela said...

So, Craigy, what led you to be staring at Joey's pic and particularly that portion of it? Slow day in the office?

Toto said...

There once was a window on Lunt
With a girly picture pasted up front
When gay boys complained
And whined and distained
Too bad it was a transvestite c_nt!

There once was a blogster named Craig
Who verbally pelted some eggs
He thought he had power
Because weak ones devour
His nonsense of dither and plague

There once was an Alderman named Joe
Who would read the Broken Heart blow
Laughing at the blog posts
Full of ridiculous boasts
About how he was makin’ his dough

There once was a dog named Toto
Who no one ever said no to
He bit someone’s ankle
Just to cause some more rankle
So where is this doggy’s blog photo?

Craig Gernhardt said...


This poem is exactly the same 12 am "Friendz in Edgewater" poem he/she posted, but then deleted.

Roomates perhaps?

You come on my site promoting your home seminars, then blast me under another screen name.

I guess I shouldn't expect anything less from a Edgewater resident who hangs posters of this event in thr RPCC offices.

Anytime you want to crawl from under Alderman Moore's desk and reveal yourself, you may without fear unless you are afraid of my jeers.

Toto said...

Toto sez: Well Craig you got me. I've got lotsa Friendz in Edgewater :->.

You and Hugh and others I presume have posted on the Edgewater blog. Why not me?

I do have some admiration for you Craig. However, you demean yourself with some of the silly posts.

When you post sad pictures of people be evicted and try to make it seem as if the awful landlord is putting some poor helpless soul out on the winter’s street I can’t swallow it. I own property and sadly have had to evict people. It’s not easy. The courts favor the tenant. And most of what you see left on the street is the remains of what the tenant has not taken because after all the court dates and hearings. They already have been given ample opportunity taken off the property their most valued possessions.

When you post sad stories about people going out of business and infer that somehow that the Development Council or Joe Moore is at fault, you’re downright asinine. Should the Dev Corp or Joe Moore come in a run their business? Give them a business plan. Stand behind the cash register? Take inventory? People go out of business for lots of reasons.

Frankly Craig, I would be a lot more impressed with you if you ever offered anything more than criticism of a situation. Where are your suggestions? Where’s your competent authority to make judgments? If all you can offer is the same regurgitated rants of how awful things are with no hope for the future, why should people take you seriously.

And yes, you can save people from the scourge of prono-pin-ups. But the truth of the matter is if things were to substantially change in RP you’d still wouldn’t be happy. Because you have a vested interest in not wanting change. It’s kinda’ a passive aggressive thing you got goin’.

To bad. Have a Dr. Phil moment. Get out and enjoy life a little bit. Ignore some of the petty shit that happens in life and concentrate your efforts on real things that make a difference.

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