Friday, February 10, 2006

* New DevCorp North Member Closes Shop

Customers Say Activation Services Never Activated

Bel Comm Phone store at 1341 West Morse pulled the plug on operations after pulling the plug on operations at 1443 West Morse last year. Here are a few of Bel Comm problem issues since joining the community. Some customers who said they bought services from Bel Comm claim to not received the hook-up.

When Bel Comm moved to this location last year, they brought their old awning from the other location down the street with the wrong address and all. Let me tell you what happened. We had a drive by shooting October 9th, 2004 in front of the 1343 West Morse Avenue address. At the time of the drive by shooting Bel Comm had the old 1443 West Morse Address listed in the awning. When the first reponding police drove by, the police car thought he went to far down the street and turned around, causing valuable time lost.

Was Bel Comm part of the DevCorp North business retention jinx? Unless you are a developer with deep pockets, when you join as a member of DevCorp North, your business is doomed?

Bel Comm one year ago.


fedup dem said...

It hardly was something that most people will miss. Hopefully, a business with a stronger footing will come in.

But if you want to ask some of the local yokels about it, you might want to head over to Loyola Park on Saturday, when Fagus & Co. hold their "endorsement session" for Democratic candidates in the March Primary over at Loyola Park Fieldhouse. Call them up to get the exact time. Let the outside pols know that there is someone in the 49th Ward whom they can trust.

Toni said...

“I will win because everybody knows I have been truthful in my life and in public. I can't say that for some of those who want to run against me.”

Guessing this Lord of Fief will be a top promo at Loyola tomorrow. Fie Fi Fo Fum

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