Thursday, March 16, 2006

* Covert Operation Stealth Condo's (?)

Exclusive @ Dawn Photos

This story was sent to me by a super loyal "Broken Heart" reader.

Hi Craig,

" A 4+1-type building across from the teardown at Greenview looks like it's going condo. Maybe I'm mistaken but there were chutes and a few dumpsters in back and blinds flying in the wind- could be "stealth condos" to use your phrase.

If I'd had my camera, I would have taken a shot and emailed you."

Take care,

Thanks RP, I took my stealth photos this morning. In the never ending saga of the "Broken Heart" "Stealth Condo", story, we stumbled on a "Renters Kicked Out " story too.

RP neighbor is correct, here is another four plus one at 1500 West Morse Avenue.

I think RPneighbor may be right, these units may be going condo?

Always the one to spot a clue, here are a few.

* The construction chute seen in the top photograph...

* Permits on the front vestibule as seen in the below photograph, posted 12 feet above ground so only a giant can read....

* Multi-broken window blinds: Most of the 40 plus apartments windows are opened with the blinds flapping in the breeze...

* Empty apartments: Light's on, but no ones home..

* Near empty parking lot except for the huge dumpsters and construction trucks.

* Old tenants moving out, new tenants not moving in. Most exiting tenants don't speak English...

Blognotes: Did the tenants get the proper 120 day notice to move? Are there going to be any hold-outs?

1 comment:

Craig Gernhardt said...


James packed up and moved out long ago.

Loyal reader Margot on the other hand is still a tenant. She is fighting the battle to live a normal life in a apartment she signed a lease to live in despite having a rear porch system that could collapse at anytime.

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