Saturday, March 4, 2006

* David Fagus Responds


I imagine that you truly believe that every sign that goes up for someone our 49th Democratic Party supports is:

1.) put up by me, or

2.) by someone who I have instructed to put up signs illegally.

At a minimum you seem to assume that they are all "approved" by me. This is not the case. Every campaign has signs and some overzealous folks who put them in places that are improper. When candidates have appearances they often send out their own advance crew to put up signs themselves. This is what happened with Obama in 2004 at the Heartland and what happened at the Loyola Park Field House you show in your photo today.

The Democratic Party of the 49th Ward is very aware that signs should not be up on public pathways and other locations on your list. We have many relationships with people and we do not need to do that. In fact, we believe that the legislation has been beneficial in curbing blight. I play by the rules. There may occasionally a mistake here and there that I will take credit for and fix ASAP. You may not like me, you may not like what I believe in, you may not think that I play fair, you may think a whole lot of things, but rest assured I play by the rules.

You can call me onto the carpet because it may suit your agenda, but it will not be founded in fact or truth.

By the way, now that you are the Claypool campaign manager for the 49th Ward am I to hold you personally responsible for every Claypool sign out of place, even if you know it didn't come from your supply? Is nobody responsible for their personal actions once some has announced support for a specific candidate? If you do enough volume with your Suffredin/Claypool signs, you will find this out first hand.

And I know you will find out when you put out the Gernhardt for Alderman - Broken Heart signs.

David Fagus

P.S. All of the signs in your link to Forum 49 are on private property. Private property you may not like, but private none the less.


Toni said...

> "...but rest assured I play by the rules..."

OOPS...I recall standing BEHIND the 50 foot markers last election at Gale School doing the 'vote for somebody else' on election afternoon. I recall one of Mr. F's cronies walking people right into the school INSIDE the 50 foot markers. He carried a black leather shoulder bag full of literature he was passing out as he talked, talked talked.

There were several reports to the 'election judges' but nothing was done. Mr. F and I had a discussion about his shoulder bag man too. Look at it this way 'their rules weren't broken'. That's how it works. It's also a method of intimidation to some people. That's how it works.

Hugh said...

Hey Fagus,

Who's smarter, the Democratic Party of the 49th Ward or the Tribune editorial board?

Hugh said...

Hey Fagus,

Do you lead 49th Ward Democrats or County employees who live in the 49th? Please explain.

Hugh said...

> Every campaign has signs and some overzealous folks

WOW, there's a LOT of zeal for the big "black" guy!

Hugh said...

> P.S. All of the signs in your link to Forum 49 are on private property.

Hey spinmeister, this look like private property to you?

Knightridge Overlook said...
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Toto said...

|||| ||||

Dr. Toto sez: I sink veve gott a seeriouss case of politttical envy. I wooot proscriibe you taaake a deep breath and hold it tillll you allll turn blue. Suchce vittle children.

tara said...

Wwwaaaawwwww! Why don't all you little boys have your little suckfest and let some real men, or women as the case may be, do something about real issues in this neighborhood.

Campaign signs. Big Deal! Let's change the corruption of a current regime that stems from these very local positions like Alderman, up through our County Board President, State Treasurer, Govenor, Senator, President. Blah. Blah. Blah. Get in line for the petty complaints or get off your asses and do something positive.

Let's have killcat and gemma run for office!

fedup dem said...

Hey Fagus, at least with a Primary election this early you will have nearly nine months to look for a real job once Stroger is shown the door on March 21.

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