Thursday, April 27, 2006

* DevCorp North Claims To Do Job That Didn't Get Done

While Alderman Moore is out saving the world from the ducks, we in the 49th ward have to keep track of daily issues such as keeping the 49th ward safe and clean. When they say they are going to do something, they should do it. When they post it on their website, we should expect to see the job done, right? Are we to trust them to keep their word?

Who do you think we are talking about here? Why of course, it's Alderman Moore's taxpayer funded, politcal action team, DevCorp North.

This time it's that expensive taxpayer funded, monster power washer. Here's how DevCorp North describes it. "The gasoline powered, diesel fired pressure washer is 20 horsepower, puts out 3500 pounds per square inch of water pressure, can heat water up to 212 degrees, and is so powerful it must be towed by a truck."

Here's what DevCorp North promised they were going to do with the power, pressure washer. "On Wednesday, April 26th, Morse Avenue will get the first part of its sidewalk makeover."

Well, guess what? The "Broken Heart" walked the entire Special Service Area #24 route on Morse Avenue today, from Clark to Sheridan, south and north sides. The "Broken Heart" inspected the sidewalks.

The 'Broken Heart" saw nothing was touched. Or shall we say, nothing was sprayed. And the 'Broken Heart" would know.

We've seen the product in action. It doesn't cut it for the money spent. Talk about a taxpayer rip-off. 

I wonder what excuse DevCorp North will come up with this time?

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