Thursday, April 27, 2006

* Harrington Speaks Out About Blogs

"I'm also concerned about the refusal or failure of most blog managers to either 1) set standards for discourse or 2) to curb the people who regularly violate even the most rudimentary concepts of decent and respectful discussion (some blogmeisters encourage nastiness and are the worst offenders)."
Michael Harrington
Ex-49th ward Aldermanic candidate-2003 (Lost to Moore)
Ex- 49th ward Democratic committeeman candidate-2004 (Lost to Fagus)
49th ward Aldermanic campaign manager for the other guy-2007
April 26, 2006

Blognotes: Hey Harrington, stop worrying your little head on the issues of blogging. It's been three years, I'm concerned you can't pay off your old, outstanding campaign debt. Is this what we are to expect from the other guys campaign since you are in charge? Instead of writing endless commentary, open the checkbook and write me a check!


Craig Gernhardt said...

Knowing how you read all this foul stuff in the comments section, you can thank Gary at rpr for this post being here today.

Knightridge Overlook said...
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Knightridge Overlook said...
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Knightridge Overlook said...
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Pamela said...

I'm going to be contrarian for a sec here. From all I've read on the blogs there seem to be two perspectives: 1) we hate Joe Moore (except for Tommy Westie and that Fagus guy); and 2) we hate everyone else who runs. All contenders are summarily dissed, their every utterance critiqued and their every move called into question, even though none of them have held public office so the reality is that we have NO idea how they would perform. If this keeps up I think we can pretty much bank on looking at Joey's mug for another term.

What is with the vitriol against Harrington or Gordon or whoever (and surely the "unknowns" will start pouring out of the woodwork; our blogger boy has already done some reconnaisance and was spotted checking out one newly announced contender's homestead last week)? I may have views about everyone who is running BUT I will take any of them, including the apparently loathed Mr. Harrington, over what we have. Surely no one could POSSIBLY be worse that Mr. Moore. What is wrong with all you folks? I would vote for Beelzebub himself, I would pass out campaign stickers for Forrest Gump. Truly, anyone has to be better than what we have so why the attacks that only serve to HELP the incumbent?

Here's a thought: how about all the negative attacks cease and desist, just long enough to get rid of PETA boy? You like Candidate X and want to sing their praises -- have at it. Post that they are better than $50 foie gras on watercress. But let's knock off the attacks, at least long enough to see someone else in the 49th ward office.

Archie T.S. Gait said...

Pamela -- You've hit the nail on the head, but you've barely scratched the surface. We hate everyone and everything here.

We are against the terrible run down state of the neighborhood, but we hate any effort to develop and renew.

We are against the seedy dollar stores and liquor stores, but we also hate all the positive businesses in the area as well.

We are, as someone mentioned long ago, CAVEs. Citizens Against Virtually Everything.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Pamela asked....>"our blogger boy has already done some reconnaisance and was spotted checking out one newly announced contender's homestead last week)?'

You must have been talking to one of the "new guys" neighbors? Or are you doing your own reconnaisance work?

Truth be told, i was doing my homework. More than I can say about the "other guy."

Pamela said...

I see a lot from my windows. From city and private workers taking naps to tactical cop busts (lots of those) to landscapers to folks walking their dogs to kids trashing the block fencing. I hear a lot from the street too, mostly kids yelling at each other or moms yelling at their kids or lovers quarrels, a few drug dealers arguing. I see what some people do and what others don't do. I don't see everything, and I rarely have the camera at hand but I see and hear stuff. ;-)

'Broken Heart' Past Blogs